9 Most Important Questions about MARKET and MODI GOVERNMENT – you must ASK NOW.

28 September 2018

9 Most Important Questions about MARKET and MODI GOVERNMENT – you must ASK NOW.

Greetings from Hitesh! Our post on Jupiter Transit has become the best read and we are seeing the results of the same.

The Questions: -

1.   Is our mkt overvalued? If yes on what parameters?

2.  What kind of quarterly results expected? Are they discounted?

3.  Are there any sectors or companies which are still at fair value or attractive?

4.  Whether election process in India is a dampener?

5.  Effect of increase in interest rate by Fed? And later on by RBI? How it will affect?

6.  Crude oil and Dollor how will these two affect our markets?

7.  What if crude starts falling? And Dollor also?

8.  What about performance of this govt? Whether all expectations meet out? Is economy on right path?

9.  Will Modi get re-elected? If yes, what will happen to market?

You may have many such questions. I see people spend lot of time in arguing for or against above questions. Let me share a story before I deal with above questions.

Unique Question: -

A Guru was in the process of finding out his successor. He carried our many tests and the finally he selected bunch of Disciples – out of which he would select the one as his Successor. So, he said…..

“I will ask you one Question. If you answer the SAME – I will HIT you with this STICK. If you do not ANSWER – Still I will HIT you with this STICK. Because your SILENCE is also an ANSWER.”

The Disciples were in for a Surprise. What kind of TEST is this? They were going to get the STICK in either case.

Unique Answer: -

Suddenly, a disciple got up from HIS seat – went near to the GURU – and SAID – “If you ask me any question, I will HIT you with your STICK”

All Disciples were in SHOCK with the behaviour of this guy – but the GURU was laughing.

He said – “So, I have got My Successor. Come and seat NEXT to me.”

How does this Relate to above Questions?

Investment Success is not about asking Questions and finding Answers. It is about EXPERIENCING. It is about BECOMING an INVESTOR.

When you are BECOMING – you are changing every moment. You did not become Young on SOMEDAY and you will not become OLD on any particular day. You are in the PROCESS.

Same way Market is also in a state of BECOMING. So, answer you found out yesterday – are not valid today and answers you found out today will not be valid tomorrow!!

So, Investment success is not about more questions and more answers. It’s not about more INFORMATIONS or more KNOWLEDGE. It’s all about YOU, Your Inner CHARACTER. More you KNOW about you – more you will be successful in dealing with MARKET.


Normal guys ask lot of questions in NORMAL course of their life. But when they are in ACUTE PAIN or in ACUTE PLEASRUES – they do not ask questions.

Say a guy has an acute chest pain and doctor advises him some TESTS – will he ARGUE with the Doctor over HIS FEES or WHY THESE TESTS or TEST CHARGES? His main goal is to GET RID of the PAIN. Am I right?

Same way we have observed – those who have acute pain from their current financial position and want to upgrade Financial Independence/ those who are passionate about their Continuous GROWTH – do not ARGUE over our FEES or our System. They just EXPERIENCE us and remain with us.

I am not talking about ACUTE PLEASURES – because that is something NORMAL GUY has not TESTED. His PLEAUSRES are his kid getting 1st in 10th / he getting promotion / he getting MARRIED / Buying a CAR/ HOUSE / Longing for a HAPPY MARRIED LIFE / 20% return on Investments etc., etc. These are 100% NORMAL PLEASURES.

When you are going for NORMAL PLEASURES – you do lot of inquiry / lot of planning / lot of strategy. This is a RATIONAL way of going towards HAPPINESS. By working RATIONALLY towards your HAPPINESS – you will get PREDICATED or PLANNED HAPPINESS and not ACUTE HAPPINESS!!

Just investigate your heart and see, you will REALISE the SHALLOWNESS of YOUR PLANNED HAPPINESS.

Acute Pleasures come only and only when you act out of HEART and not out of BRAIN. Planned happiness is a happiness of BRAIN and that’s why it will always be SHALLOW.

Which Question is the most important questions from the above 9 questions?

I will focus on the questions number 3. The answer to the question number 3 will lead to making tons of money to me and my clients. Answers of the remaining questions is going to be an opinion and nothing else. I don’t want to use my time in discussing opinions. I want to invest my time with FACTS and only FACTS.

What NEXT?

Learn to differentiate between Opinions and Facts. More time you spend with FACTS, more successful you will become.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on WhatsApp – +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion. 

Hitesh Parikh.


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