16 most important Steps to Value Investing – Every Investor’s handbook

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

16 most important Steps to Value Investing – Every Investor’s handbook

Greetings from Hitesh! Starting from 27th August.,2018, we had dealt with the subject of value investing and its various dimensions to give you a fair idea of real investing. Today we are enlisting them in one post for your easy access and reading. If you read and follow, this can be a real game changer for you and your generations. So, take it seriously.

This post deals with evaluating your investments and this is the basic to start with.

This deals with the thinking skills while investing. If you can’t think beyond what MASSES think, then investment success is not for you.

There is an age-old war is going on to prove whether market is efficient or inefficient. This is a basic of spotting investment opportunities.

Looking at current market situations – all value investors must get to the work now.

In this post we deal with how to find out the right price once you know the value.

In this post we dealt with RISK, the most important factor which can spoil your investment game.

As the title suggest – you will know the technique of controlling your RISK.

This deals with investment cycles and it’s a must for understanding and preparing your investment schedule.

This deals with the concept of holistic success and if you can’t think in terms of totality, your success will be your pain.

10.            7 Habits of Highly Unsuccessful Investors – Take P... http://bestofhiteshparikh.blogspot.com/2018/09/7-habits-of-highly-unsuccessful.html?spref=tw 

This is a must read to know the mistakes which are being made while investing.

11.            How RAKESH is using Bruce Lee’s system in trading ... http://bestofhiteshparikh.blogspot.com/2018/09/how-rakesh-is-using-bruce-lees-system.html?spref=tw 

This is a short version of VALUE investing. Must read.

12.            CONTRARIAN Investment Style and Its Benefits http://bestofhiteshparikh.blogspot.com/2018/09/contrarian-investment-style-and-its.html?spref=tw 

How Value is being found by going CONTRA? Very important step.

13.            How to Find Bargain Investment Ideas in Current Ma... http://bestofhiteshparikh.blogspot.com/2018/09/how-to-find-bargain-investment-ideas-in.html?spref=tw 

How to find BARGAIN in any market situations for generating ALPHA?

14.            Why Warren Buffett is sitting on cash pile of USD ... http://bestofhiteshparikh.blogspot.com/2018/09/why-warren-buffett-is-sitting-on-cash.html?spref=tw 

In investment, when not to invest is equally important? We have taken lesson from BUFFETT in this post.

15.            Do you know what you don’t know before you invest?... http://bestofhiteshparikh.blogspot.com/2018/09/do-you-know-what-you-dont-know-before.html?spref=tw 

This is very important step in investing as it deals with your ignorance. You must know what you don’t know to become an ACE investor.

Given all above things, LUCK is also very important step in dealing with investments.

How to benefit from the above?

There are no short cuts to success. If you really want to make money and want to see that it lasts for your generations, you will have to follow the above steps. All BIG wealth creators have followed them.

You can make your own choice.

Wish you all a happy week ahead.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on WhatsApp – +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion. 

Hitesh Parikh.


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