What Kind of Questions You Must Ask, Before You Invest NOW?

Sunday, April 06, 2014

What Kind of Questions You Must Ask, Before You Invest NOW?

Wish you a great Sunday!! Sunday is a unique day of the week. In the first half you relax for the past week and in the second, you refresh for the next week. May you do both effectively.

I have been receiving many emails/calls for investments.
My investor friends are asking many questions. I have divided all of the questions in two parts. I am sharing some of the sample questions, you might also have.

Questions:- 1st Part:-

1.   Market Kya Lagta Hey?(What is a view on market?)
2.   What is your call on market Now?
3.   Do you think Mr.Modi will become PM?
4.   What will happen to Market if Mr.Modi does not become PM?
5.   Will market rally continue after election results are out?
6.   Do you think next Government will complete full term?

Questions:- 2nd Part:-

1.   I have Rs.50 lakhs to invest. Tell me where should I invest now?
2.   What kind of return I can earn, if I invest Rs.10 lakhs now?
3.   What is the probability of earning 20% plus return in coming 2 months?
4.   If the market does not perform as expected, what kind of loss we can incur on our investment?

I am sure you must have many questions like the above sample. Now read our analysis of the two sets of questions.

Investment Curiosity V/s Inquiry

If you have more questions from the first set, you are just curious. Curiosity leads nowhere. Curiosity is a disease. Curiosity is not enough. Curiosity is not inquiry. Many of my friends are asking these kinds of questions since 2009!! They have not done any thing so far!!

If you have more questions from the second set, you are doing Inquiry. Inquiry means that you are ready to put your life at stake. Inquiry means that you are not only a student but a disciple of market. Inquiry means that it is not just on a whim that you ask; you are ready to go into it whatsoever the cost. You are ready to pay for it; it is not just entertainment.

What Next?

If you still love being Curious, we have no issues with you. You can enjoy your being.

But if you are a seeker of investment return, we have a ways and strategy to share with you.

Just join us before 7th April and you can avail special discount offer also. Tomorrow is the last day!!

Your choice will decide your being – Curious or Seeker.

Have A Great Weekend.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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