Can you Visualize Your Mother’s Face Now?

April 14, 2014

Can you Visualize Your Mother’s Face Now?

I wish you a great morning. You must be fresh after a long weekend. Now, just try to answer above question. You must have seen your mother for at least 25 years (my youngest reader is 25 years of age). You know your mother very well. You must have been with her for all these years. So, let us do this experiment.

The Experiment:-

I am sure many of you will find it the easiest thing to do. So, let us start.   Just close your eyes for a minute…..try to see your mother’s face with closed eyes. Do you get her face as it is? I am sure you will not get the total face as it is.

Why You Failed?

You failed because…….you have taken your memory / your belief system / your observation power / your relationship for granted. What was the last time you sit with her and looked at her face? What was the last time you talked with her with full concentration to what she was sharing with you?

Why I am asking this question today?

As you know, I am 100% investment guy. I always talk about investments with you guys. If you have not been able to visualize the face, it means you lack the important steps towards your success in Investments.

What it means for Investors?

It simply means, whatever you are doing, you are doing unconsciously. You are simple unaware. You lack the consciousness and awareness in your day to day life. You are living your life on Auto Mode!! You have become a machine.

How does this affect when you get success?

You will not appreciate your gains. When you do not appreciate, you will not enjoy. When you do not enjoy………the whole exercise will become labour for you. You are working for somebody else……may be your kids!!
(They will also not remember you, the way you do not remember your mother !!)

How does this affect when you get failure?

You will simple not be able to digest your failure. Suddenly you will wake up from your unconscious level to conscious level…..but now you can not undo what you have done so far. It will hurt your Ego. It will make you hollow from with in.

My Personal Call:-

I have two suggestions to make.

1.       Try to spend time with your mother. She is the Source of your being.

2.       Become aware to the investment opportunities current market is providing you. Take decisions with awareness to invest at this juncture. You will bless us.

Do approach us, if you need help in investments.

Have A Great Week Ahead.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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