The Most Important Thing You Need After You Make Money
4, 2014
The Most
Important Thing You Need After You
Make Money
Great Morning from Hitesh! Thanks for your responses to my last
article. It was a big hit. Now let me come to the above captioned title.
What will you need when you make Money?
If you go buy the old thinking, it is HEALTH. I am sure most of
you would agree with it. But, I have a different answer for the same. But
before I answer, let us deal with some of the reasons for which we may want to
make money.
Planning for Kids educations and marriage
Planning for retirement
Creating a fund for World Tour
Buying best of the clothes and jewelry
These are sample reasons. You can add as many as you want. Normal
guy starts career around 21-23 age and goes to working till 60. On an average
he works for 35 to 40 years. In this 40 years period, he tries to generate fund
for above needs/wants.
What is the End Result?
All the time he was planning for life after 60 but when he reaches
60, he sees that he does not have the energy levels of 40-45 to enjoy his life
or fulfill his dreams.
Moreover, he has worked for 40 years, is he going to live another
40 years to enjoy the life? In most cases, after retirement, the guy leaves the
planet earth in 10-15 years only.
In summary, he worked for 40 years thinking that he will enjoy his
life after 60!! But neither had he had energy levels not he had time to enjoy
the life.
So, according to me, the most important thing after you have money
is to have TIME to enjoy your money. If you
do not have TIME to enjoy your money, you have wasted your life working for somebody!!
How to create 10-15 years of Extra Time While You Are Young?
With your money, you can buy Health but not the Time. So, you need
a different strategy to create time. Just go through the same.
A normal guy works for 8-10 hours for about 300 days in a year. But
if you keep your money to work, it works for 24 hours and 365 days a year.
So, while normal guy works for about 3000 hours in a year, money
works for 8760 hours. Money works approx 3 times faster than a normal guy!!
In other words, what you earn in 30 years, your money can earn in
10 years!! Instead of 60, you can retire at 45-50.
When you retire at 45-50, you have more time to enjoy your money
and time to fulfill all your dreams.
Money is the best slave of mankind if you just know how
to invest it!!
What Next?
If you really want to enjoy your money, the most important thing you
need is Time. We help you create the same for you and your generations through
Let your money work while you enjoy your life.
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discount in our fees till 7th April. So hurry up.
Have A
Great Day.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or
on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
With Passion…Invest With Passion.
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