Should You Sell In May and Come Back In September?

April 21, 2014

Should You Sell In May and Come Back In September?

Greetings from Hitesh! Last time we asked to buy in September and sell in March. Now should you sell in May and come back in September? Let us try to find out.

The Current Rally:-

Current rally is believed to be a motivated by Modi Wave. We have talked last time that 8 out of 10 guys are saying Modi will become PM, will he? We had given our logic of 2004 and 2009, when all the predications had gone haywire. Rather than investing on Modi or any other wave, we see the ground realities every time we invest. Because, ground will always be there!!

Let us see the Ground Realities:-

Operation of Smart Money

Smart money is the first to enter into the stocks……when most of the guys are skeptical and bearish about the market. They entered in 2013……when we were telling you all. But very few listened to me. They will be the first to book profit also……when all the news start positives……our dear small investors will come to buy the shares these guys will sell. But will it be different this time?

Coalition Government:-

George Fernandez was the guy who predicated in 1997 (when Bajpai lost in just 13 days), that hence forth every government will be a coalition government!!

So sitting with BJP or Congress will not make much difference. (Do you understand why Ambani keeps everybody happy?). We agree with Mr.Fernandez.

This time market is giving various possibilities….

NDA with Modi as a PM or Congress lead Government or Third front led government. But we see beyond that.

We have a different view for market.

In 2011, we had done a detailed study of Dow and Sensex based on Astro parameters. We had then said that……

1. Teji in 1922 lasted till 1929.
2. Teji in 1952 lasted till 1959.
3. Teji in 1982 lasted till 1987 in USA and 1989 in India.

At that time we had said……We will see a great bull run in India. We expect the teji this time to last till 2017 atleast.

What is our call?

Market is at the take off stage. It has yet to pick up the speed and touch new heights. It will surely face sell offs by smart money depending on news flows, you will see volatility with some period of pessimism also.  

If you are a trader, trade with an open eye. Trade on market, not on your opinion.

If you are a smart investor, keep on investing scrip specific basis, irrespective of the market moves. You will bless us.

If you need help in trading and investing, do approach us.

Wish you a Happy Summer Trading.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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