Practical Suggestions to make money in the year 2022

 3rd December 2021

Practical Suggestions to make money in the year 2022

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Namaste! We have shared out view on the year 2022 yesterday. Many readers were really happy that we are at the end of the tunnel and good times are ahead for all of us. Knowing this was very relaxing for the investors and normal people alike. Those who have not planned their investments – they must seriously invest in the coming 6 months.

Reading that – many have asked how to invest in 2022 to make tons of money? We are dealing with that question now. Let me share a beautiful story to bring home the point.

“My Wife is the most beautiful woman in the City”

One of our friends got married when we were 23. All my friends were still studying or looking for a job. This friend will meet us once a week or so. He was mostly moving around with his wife. But whenever he meets us – he would tell - “My Wife is the most beautiful woman in the City”

We tolerated it for some months. It was too much to listen to this when we all were not married. We had a kind of envy for him.

So, one day we asked – Is your wife – Ms. India / Ms. Universe or Ms. World?

He said – No.

We asked again – How did you decide that she is the most beautiful woman?

He said – Simple. She told me that “I am the most beautiful woman in the city” and I believed her. I don’t question my wife’s judgments.

We felt like killing this guy at that time. Many of you would be laughing at this guy or maybe cursing his intelligence. But I have a point to make. Do we have questions on outsiders also?

How do NORMAL investors behave?

You may or may not be married. For everybody, his or her spouse is the most beautiful or handsome, at least in the initial phase. But as an investor – normal investors have the same behaviour throughout their investing life. They don’t question the following statements.

1.   You should Diversify Your Investments 

2.   You can’t Time the Market

3.   Saving is equal to investments  

4.   Fund managers are the experts in their field

5.   SIP is the best way to invest 

6.   You can never make money in Trading

Normal investors would never question the above statements or check the facts of the statements. Like an obedient husband in our example – they will believe all these statements and give their financial power to the fund managers. The fund managers will become billionaires and these guys will work till they die.

What are the PRACTICAL Suggestions for the year 2022?

Ask questions to all the claims made by so-called media experts and other vested interest people with respect to your investments. 

Find out the FACTS of each of the claims made by anybody with respect to your investments.

If something is good for everybody – it will be good for only the person sitting at the top. There is nothing like one size fits all.

When you ask the questions and find out the FACTS yourself – nobody will be able to take you for a ride with respect to your investments.

Personal Questions you must ask: -

For anything outside you – you can find out the facts. But for yourself – you need to ask some questions too.

1.   What is my goal to invest?

2.   How much do I know in the field of investing?

3.   Why I am not taking time to check the facts when it comes to investing my hard-earned money?

4.   What stops me to learn investing the way I have taken education?

You can add many other personal questions also. But the above 4 are the main according to me.

What happens when you have facts?

When you know the facts – you will not be taken away by GREED and FEAR. GREED and FEAR are the two most dangerous enemies in the way to wealth creations. Knowledge of FACTS – will keep you grounded and you will move towards your goals steadily.

What NEXT?

Learn to ask questions. They will make you uncomfortable in the beginning but when you go beyond them – you will have conviction and confidence in doing the right things or making the right decisions. Big money always comes when you take big bets. Big bets can be only taken when you act with conviction in your ideas. Keep this in mind.

The year 2022 is going to be a turnaround year. It’s a time, you also turn around and take a look at your way of investing.

Have A Great Investing Experience in the year 2022. 

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.



  1. Really good, thanks for the insight

  2. TNX yr way is very clear tht for achieving anything in life self introspection & knowledge study is required


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