Are we Surprised by the Fall in the market?

 21st December 2021

Are we Surprised by the Fall in the market?

Dear Fellow Investors,

Namaste! Nifty has fallen by about 2000 points from the top it made in this year. Yesterday was the massive fall of 500 points. It means 25% of the total fall happened yesterday only. Are we surprised with this fall? Are we shocked?  What about our regular blog readers?

While predicting about 2021 – we had given three clear-cut messages.

1.   Rahu is in 5th house of the Stock Market. Lord of 5th house is in 12th house. It means the stock market will see two sides of volatility and there will be a tsunami of funds in the share market. (we already indicated this while writing about Rahu entering in Vrishabh Rashi. Since Rahu has changed, we are seeing FII funds in the share market like never before. we are 100% on dot). Since Rahu is there – those who are smart in trading will make fast money in tons. So, focus on trading in 2021 and make tons of money.

(this was written in 2021 as per MakarSankranti Horoscope on 17/12/2020) See the accuracy of the above.

2.   What is my call for 2021?


There will be fast events at all levels in the world. This means the market will have two sides movements as per the whims of the top people. I am expecting a new high in the market followed by a new low. Being a year of mercury, smart TRADERS will make tons of money easily.


In short, 2021 is going to be a super year for a smart trader. Trade your way to make your millions. (this was said on 8th December 2020 How do we see a Market in 2021 based on Numerology?)


3.   Indication for the 3rd Wave: - (this was written on 6/5/2021)


According to my calculations, 3rd wave will start from October end 2021 and end in April 2022.


We all have about 6 months to prepare for the third wave. By the time 3rd wave starts – we all will have sorted out the issues of the vaccinations and shortage of oxygen or shortage of other medicine. It means the problem will not be from a hospitalization point of view or a medication shortage point of view.


4.   Apart from the above 3 posts – many posts were written and the time between October end to April was shown as NEGATIVE. The latest post was based on VENUS – Disadvantage India.

What does it mean?

All our members were asked to be in cash 25-50% without being GREEDY from October beginning. We booked profit in many stocks without being GREEDY. We took the short-term pain in some stocks to see their prices moving up after our selling. Today we are in CASH. We have money to add our chosen stocks and what’s more – they are coming down each day. Our Diwali came in Christmas. 

We have already shared our view for 2022 in our posts. Read and take advantage of our skill sets.

Smart Blog Readers are making tons of money: -

Many readers who are reading our blogs with open minds are getting the clues of the market movements well in advance. They are blessing us for sharing our blogs with them.

So, reading our blogs can also help you make tons of money in the coming year and more.

What Next?

Accurate predictions are my Guru’s blessing on me. I am sharing the same FREE of Cost in my blogs as per my Social Commitments.

If you need personalised inputs to manage your destiny or financial destiny – you can approach us.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.



  1. TNX yes yr blogs r educative & helpful in mkts as well as in general life too


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