“I am a new investor and I have suffered losses in the market. What should I do?”

 17th December 2021

“I am a new investor and I have suffered losses in the market. What should I do?”

Dear Fellow Investors,

Namaste! I keep on getting questions from the readers. The one which I am getting the most frequently is the above one. Many new investors have suffered losses and they are frustrated and depressed with their performance in the market. The boys between the age of 18-25 used the algo trading software provided by online brokers in trading derivatives. It had become the major reason for losses.

We can give many arguments and blame them for their mistakes and things like that. But I am looking at this process from a different angle. Let me share one unique example of SAMUDRA MANTHAN from the Vishnu Puran.

What Happened during SAMUDRA MANTHAN?

We are aware that GOD and DEMON came together to CHURN the SEA of MILK. They used the MANDRACHAL mountain and Vasuki serpent to churn the SEA. Total 14 RATNA came out from the SEA of MILK.

But before anything came out – the POISON came out in tons and that poison was so powerful that it could have killed all the people on the EARTH at that time. Lord SHIV took that Poison in his throat and we call him NEELKANTHA.

After the poison – all the 14 things came out one after another. Last was the LAXMI. The most patient guy – Vishnu – got the LAXMI.

What is the point I am making?

When you start something new – it is quite normal to face challenges, failures, and losses. You don’t have to take your losses in your stomach or you don’t have to run away from your losses. In both cases – you will suffer. If you allow it to go into your stomach – that is in your mind – you will have panic attacks and frustration for the stock market and people of the stock market. If you run away from the market – you will never be able to apply what you have learned from your losses.

The best way is to keep it in your THROAT – like Lord SHIV. You have to be present to your losses and learn from the experiences.

When you keep the Losses in your Throat i.e. in the middle – you will have the learning from your mistakes. You will improve upon the mistakes and find out the right strategy suitable for you and your current situation.

Starting with the losses is the best start according to me. When a normal investor wins in the first shot – he may assume that he made the money because of his smartness – while the fact maybe just that he is a lucky idiot. He doesn’t learn from his win.

The right action according to me for the person who has suffered losses in the first shot is to churn more and go deeper into their learning and market observations. When they go dipper – 14 Ratna of the market will come out one after another. 

What is our STANDARD advice to our followers?

We suggest all our followers be with us at least for the 3 years. 3 years is the normal cycle for one round of Teji and one round of Mandi. So, if you have started with the MANDI cycle and suffered losses and you run away – you miss on the TEJI Cycle which may be about to start.

So, keep your patience and learn from your experiences.

Another Practical aspect of suffering loss: -

An MBA takes 17 years of study to fetch the first job or start his business. Take any profession of your choice – an average of 2-8 years of learning is there after graduation or after 12th.

Unfortunately, people start investing without any investment education and learning mindsets for trading and investing. They assume that they know all thanks to GOOGLE and they can make money just by buying and selling stocks based on MEDIA TIPS or BROKERS TIPS. 

Let me give you good news – investment is the most difficult profession under the SUN. You may think medical or science or computer are the most difficult. But the FACT is investment is the most difficult. Why? Science and another profession mostly run on LOGIC. Investment may appear to be running on LOGIC of MACRO Indicators or Company-specific fundamentals – but the investors are investing purely on EMOTIONS.

The person who is asking questions is EMOTIONAL with the losses and he wants to run away from the market. No amount of LOGIC can convince him to stay as long as there is an emotional imbalance in his mind.

The ideal way to deal with the emotional aspects is to know yourself / your thought process and your objectives in as detail as possible.

What NEXT?

We have found ASTROLOGY is the most reliable/fast and sure-shot way to know yourself in detail. You can use other ways as per your understanding also.

The point is – KNOW YOURSELF before you INVEST and know INVESTMENTS before you LEAVE THE MARKET.

You can approach us for holistic help in both areas. 

I wish you all the best.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.




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