Convert your FEELINGS of IMPERFECT to FEELINGS of I AM PERFECT before 2022 starts

 28th December 2021

Convert your FEELINGS of IMPERFECT to FEELINGS of I AM PERFECT before 2022 starts

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Namaste! We are approaching the end of the year 2021. Many individuals would be happy for something they have achieved in some areas of their life and feel imperfect with other areas of their life. They would try to work on those areas in the coming year to make it perfect. Life will move on this way.

Let us look at the larger picture of the World before dealing with the personal solutions.

1.   Terrorism: -

The one thing which all countries are suffering is Terrorism. If the countries would not have gone for SECRET TERRORIST – we would have got the World War. Which is more Imperfect?

2.   Crimes: -

Everybody hates Criminals. But you forget that had they not been there – Police / whole Judiciary System / SPY networks would be useless. They are running their show thanks to the Criminals. In fact, the way CRIME is becoming SMART – Police and other agencies are also becoming SMART to deal with them. 

3.  COVID and other Diseases: - 

It is suffering only. But the Medical professional's bread and butter are running on your disease. The whole PHARMA industry / Scientific research is running their show – thanks to Disease.

4.   Religious Gurus and Preachers: -  

Look at the messages from all the great Souls from RAM / KRISHAN / BUDDHA / MAHAVIR / JESUS / MOHAMMAD and N number of other realised souls. They have kept on saying the same things in their own style and their own languages. The people of the World’s are the same. Thanks to these people – we can expect new AVTAR like KALKI and other realised souls. 

New Age YouTube Guru’s business is running because people are not ready to change. 

5.   Extra Marital Affairs: - 

This is the biggest taboo in society. But thanks to these small-time affairs – partners get the motivation to carry on their so-called happy married life with their spouse. The family system and kids are taken care of thanks to these affairs.

How to deal with the feelings of personal imperfection?

We have shared the larger IMPERFECTION in the world in the above-mentioned 5 areas. I can add another 45 or 450 areas also. The point is there can’t be a life without imperfection. Because of imperfections in one area, others are able to make their life perfect or sustain their life.

The only way to deal with your feelings of imperfection is to have the GRATITUDE towards the GOD / Existence or Nature.

Feel gratitude for whatever you have. Your gratitude will make you feel I M PERFECT.

With GRATITUDE – all your energies and resources will be channelized towards the right direction and you will feel PERFECT from within.

What NEXT?

I express my deep gratitude to all my clients/readers and critics. Their existence has given purpose to my life. Thank you very much for being in my life and giving me my share of perfectness to me.

I wish you all a perfect 2022.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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