Universal Problems of Indian Wives - Kids Lacks Concentration and Husbands Lacks Wealth!!
29th November 2021
Universal Problems of Indian Wives - Kids Lacks Concentration and Husbands Lacks Wealth!!
Dear Fellow Travelers,
Namaste! Our post on Venus transit into Dhanu Rashi was well received by readers. Thanks, a ton for their responses. Today we are dealing with the major problem of Indian House Wives. Just randomly do the survey and they will have complaints about their kids’ concentration in the study / their results and their eating habits. Another area of their unhappiness will be with their husband’s income when compared with their neighbours’ husbands.
My Kid Lacks Concentration!!
This is a normal complaint you would have come across from a concerned parent, particularly from a mother. She can complain about her kid not eating properly or sleeping properly. This is a common topic of discussion when the mothers meet in social gatherings. Thanks to online learning in the last 2 years – the complaints have gone up like anything. Now, online chatting has taken over the talking.
Concentrations as a Goal!!
Most guys think that if they can develop a little more concentration, they can achieve great success in study/career and life. They chase concentrations as a Goal. This is their biggest mistake.
Concentration can never be achieved as a goal. It is always a by-product of your interests. Just check – your mind is 100% attentive when you find there is something of your interest. Am I right? So, your goal should be to find out the areas of your genuine interests and pursue them. The other way is to increase the interest in areas you are currently involved. You will get the gift of concentrations by default.
Those who have tried to gain concentrations as a goal – have failed miserably in their life – because there is a mismatch between their actual interest and their profession/career/study.
If your kids are not concentrating on Studying – it means they have some other interests. Find out their interest and support them to pursue the line of their interest. It can be some sports / some Art or something else.
I see MIDDLE-CLASS parents become edgy when their kids are showing disinterest in the study. They get panicked. With their insecure mind and middle-class thinking – parents end up killing the enthusiasm of their kids in their own interest line. Their kids end up remaining in the middle-class thanks to the parent’s tantrums in their life.
My Husband Lacks Wealth!!
Most guys go to the job or business –so they can earn money to meet their ends. They have no particular love for the work they are doing. Their criteria of selection of job/business are based on the amount of money they can get make!! More money and fast money is the definition of a good career.
I often get inquiries from the parents to suggest the line of education which can make the most money after degree. When you study with the purpose of making money only – you end up doing GULAMI for the full life. A person doing such work can never produce EXCELLENCE in his work. Naturally, when you are doing something only for the sake of money – you will end up mediocre and you will lack wealth.
The science of Money Making as per Indian Scriptures: -
Once again – you can’t pursue wealth as a goal. Wealth in India is known as LAXAMI and she is the wife of Lord Vishnu. We have three main gods. Brahma – gives birth. Shive – gives death. Vishnu is the Operator who supports your journey from life to death.
If you want to attract LAXMI – you need to be excellent in operating your affairs. When your operations are EXCELLENT - LAXMI will come automatically.
In any case, the end result of pursuing somebody’s wife has always been misery. It should not be done. In other words – don’t chase LAXMI. Increase the excellence in your work – Vishnu.
1. The concentrations of wealth will happen by the quality of your actions.
2. Quality of your actions is determined by the likings you have for your job/business/profession/study.
3. More likings will produce better quality and better quality will fetch you more money as a result.
the trick is to go for the work you really like to do.
How this impacts your Investment Performance?
Most guys come to the market to make fast money and not because they like investments or trading per se!! If you really like your investments – you will not worry about the fluctuation of the market prices. In fact, you will be ready to add if the prices go down.
Mr. Buffett follows the same principle – he likes his investments and his companies. He is okay with the ups and downs of the market prices as long as he is assured of a long-term trend of his investments. He is always ready to buy more of those shares he owns if the price comes down!!
A Middle class is ready to waste 16-20 years of his life and his kids’ life and tons of money behind USELESS educations. But he is not ready to give 3-5 years to learn and master the art of investing. Those who master this art get their financial independence very fast. Those who are not ready to dedicate this time have to do drudgery till they die.
Based on this logic only we always request all our clients to be with us minimum for 3-5 years when they join us. Today I am proud to share that 2 clients have signed up with us for a lifetime.
What Next?
Work on the areas of interest of your child – he will study very fast in his area of interest. The same way - find out your interest and go for that profession or career. It may take time for success but you will be putting your 16 -18 hours per day out of choice and passion and not out of GULAMI and a sense of insecurity. You will be happy from day one.
Make your choice. If you need holistic guidance - you may approach us.
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- +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With
Hitesh Parikh.
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