The Master Key to Unlock the Market for Abundance – know to very few.

 6th November 2021

The Master Key to Unlock the Market for Abundance – know to very few.

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Namaste! The time has come to share with you the topmost secret for the market analysis for making tons of money from the market. There could be infinite ways to analyze the market as investors are also infinite in the market. So, if you go on learning each of them – you will never learn it in N number of your lives also. So, what is the solution? I want to make it simple for you.

Let us start with the Market: -

Where is the market? Is your mobile screen your market or your computer or your laptop screen is your market? The majority of the investors will agree with this answer. The smartest of the smart will not agree with this.

There is a saying – “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”. Say you have done a fast and you are going on the road. 99.99% chances are there that you will see all the eateries only coming on that road. Though there are many other shops also. You will see them without fail. If you are traveling on the same road when you had your lunch or dinner you will not see them for sure. The point is your inner conditions / your intentions / your situations will decide where you focus on. If you are focusing on eateries – eateries exist for you. If you are not focusing on them – they don’t exist for you.

But what about eateries?

They also wait for you. They also want customers. Without you – they know they will not be there. So, one thing is proven – you and the market are two sides of the same coin. If you are there market is there. If you are not there – the market is not there. Think of all the people who have decided not to trade in the share market – for the market does not exist. Think of all the people who were trading in the market but have died now. For them also the market is not there. Even Market can’t see them.

From the above – it becomes clear that the market and investors or traders do not exist without each other. They are the two sides of the same coin.

What is the MASTER KEY for market success?

As told in the beginning – we can’t understand the market in N number of lives. But if we understand our self – we can instantly understand the market.

You need to understand your deepest intentions for trading or investing. I have often said that you can’t cheat the market or the existence. The reason is simple – we are the existence or market ourselves. Can we cheat ourselves? Say a milkman has mixed water in the milk. The client may not know about the same but what about the milkman? He knows it. So, he can’t cheat himself.

The way to abundance is to understand yourself in as many details as possible. If you assume that you are the one person – let me give you good news – inside you, there are many people who exist. Man is Poly-psychic as per modern psychology. Mahavir called this nature as – BAHU CHITWAN.

When a share price goes up – the trader will think – he should have bought the shares when the prices were down. When a share price goes down – he will think he should have sold at the top prices. When he sells the shares at the top price and if the shares still keep on moving – he will think – he should have waited a little more. When he buys at the lower levels and shares move up fast – he will think he should have bought more shares. These kinds of thoughts keep on going in his mind all the time.

The mind keeps on changing and he never makes the right decision at the right time. In short, there is a lack of a single person inside the normal mind.

What is the way out?

The best and most effective way is to know yourself in as much detail as you can. Don’t worry about the market or about any theories or systems. If you want to make tons of money – you need to understand yourself and your deep-down motives without any exceptions.

How to know yourself?

To know yourself is to go deep within you. A new study says a person thinks about 6000 thoughts per day. If you are busy thinking about 6000 things in a day – you will be an average or poor performer for sure. Buffett says – Kills the busy work. Get free from your busy schedule to see your real intentions and yourself. As long as you are super busy – you will miss yourself.

The most effective way is to take the help of a learned astrologer. He can instantly tell you all about your inner mind in a few minutes which you might have to take years to figure out. In my 25 plus years of practice as an astrologer – I have found this to be the best technique to help my clients to know themselves.

The game becomes super easy once you know yourself and your deep-down intentions. Now, when you go to the market – you will find out exactly the same opportunity which suits your inner calling.

Say you are Jain and you are hungry. You will see many eateries on the road but you will only select the eateries which give you the PURE JAIN food.

So, the challenge is to know yourself in detail.

How does BUFFETT apply this rule?

Buffett and Munger call this law a CIRCLE of COMPETENCE. Their focus is only on those companies whose business they can understand. See how simple their life is? The idea is to start with what you understand in the first place. Then you can scale up your knowledge and you can increase your Circle of Competence. 

If you need our help in doing that – you can approach us.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.



  1. TNX well explained but knowing self is theoretically easy but difficult for most of us Only few can become mahavir gautambudh buffet etc Yes astrologers too can guide analysis told but in practice self has to do it self awareness all the time but difficult


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