The Secret of Apple's Market Cap Moving from USD 5 Bln to USD 2.1 Trillion in 21 years
15th November 2021
The Secret of Apple's Market Cap Moving from USD 5 Bln to USD 2.1 Trillion in 21 years
Dear Fellow Travelers,
Namaste! The tech consumer product company APPLE has moved 420 times from USD 5 Billion in 2000 to USD 2.1 Trillion in 2021. Fantastic return by any standard. We will deal with the SECRET behind the same.
Your DEEP-DOWN intentions and your Success are linked: -
Your intentions of doing something at the starting point become your SELF-FULFILLING prophesy most of the time. We have a saying in Gujarati – DANAT TEVI BARKAT – your intentions lead to your success/income/ happiness in the end.
The amazing learning from any success story is the intentions of the founding member which has blossomed into a BIG TREE now. Let us see how STEVE JOB documented his intentions when he started APPLE in 1977.
STEVE JOB’s intentions behind starting APPLE in 1977: -
On 3rd January 1977, he created a company Apple Computer Co. At that time he had the following core value in his mind
Job’s Core Value:- “You should never start a company with a goal of getting rich….you goal should be making something that you believe in and making a company that will last.”
In just 2 sentences he shared his intentions. No goal for getting RICH. (if you are buying IPO from p/e investors – you should keep this in mind).
Normal investors come to the market to make money and that to FAST MONEY. They never stay in the market for a longer period of time. They are HIT out or GET out kind of investors. They end up wasting their most precious resources – TIME and hard-earned money.
His focus was to make something he believes in. He was so fanatic about his products and ideas that he didn’t believe in any Nay Sayers while developing the products.
Normal investors will get PANIC the second moment after buying the stocks – if they listen to any adverse comment on their recently purchased stocks.
Another most important factor was to make the company which will LAST LONG. If you want to last long – you need to have some inherent value in you/your services or your products. If you have created that VALUE in the first place – money will flow towards you without fail.
Normal investors’ intentions are short-term from the beginning and they don’t believe in the stocks they buy. So, their chances of staying in the market for a long time are very less. I know quite a few investors who are active in the market since 1982. When you see their portfolio or their economic status – you realize that they were going into the market during the TEJI and coming out of the market during MANDI. Their short-term and selfish intentions resulted in their middle-class life.
What were their Marketing Principles?
They had just three principles.
The title of that page was….“The Apple Marketing Philosophy.”
1. Empathy: - We will truly understand customers’ needs better than any other company.
This is the master principle for success. As an investor/businessman or professional – do you understand yourself in the first place? Do you know who will you react if the prices of your shares will move up by 200% or go down by 100%? Have you got any written principles about your investing plan? How well do you know yourself and your investments? 90% of the investors LACKS this as per my 30 years of experience in this market. Since they are not clear about themselves, they become the SCAPEGOAT of market operators.
2. Focus: - In order to do the above job in a good way, we must eliminate all unimportant opportunities.
When you have no SELF KNOWLEDGE – naturally – you will focus everywhere and every opportunity. I know a 45 years old MATHS professor was asked how come he had not married? He said I just assume that SHE IS MY WIFE (akin to assuming a random value as X and Y).
You should be convinced about your opportunity so much that you should not bother if your neighbour becomes a billionaire faster than you. You should stick to what you are doing without wasting time in other areas. (this is only possible if you have self-knowledge)
3. Impute: - To present their products in the most creative and professional manner to their customers.
Look at any of the applied products – they are CLUTTER FREE. They have removed all the unnecessary features from their products. Their products are neat.
When you have self-knowledge in the first place, focus in the second place the automatic results will be long-term wealth creation from a neat portfolio.
What NEXT?
The 3 Idiots dialogue says – “go for excellence in your work, money will follow.” Apple is the best example of doing the same.
If you want to excel in your field or investments – you will have to follow APPLE rules in some way or the other way.
If you want help in SELF KNOWLEDGE – you can take our ASTROLOGY SERVICES to instantly know yourself in detail.
Have a Great Time.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
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