“My Son wants to pursue Cricket. What is the guarantee that he will play in International Cricket?”
30th November 2021
“My Son wants to pursue Cricket. What is the guarantee that he will play
in International Cricket?”
Dear Fellow Travelers,
Namaste! Our last post on Kids was an instant connection with the heart of
mothers and caring parents. Reading our post – I have got the above question from a
reader. His son is interested in cricket and the parents are worried about what will
happen if he leaves everything and pursue cricket and is not selected for the Indian
Let me list some of the related questions which I normally get.
What is the guaranteed return if we invest
in equities/bullion/cryptos or real estate?
What is the guarantee that if we do all the
remedies – our problem will go away or we will get success?
What is the guarantee that my kid will become a
superstar – if he pursues the acting?
You can add many such questions when it comes to doing something which
is outside your comfort level and normal belief system. Let me deal with the hidden
part of the question before going into it in detail.
Now let us see the question: -
What is the guarantee that he will play in International Cricket?
Read this again. The person has doubt in his mind before his son
goes for the cricket. It means his mind is negative from level zero. Normal
people are skeptical/negative for investing / when they do something new
before they start doing it at all.
Today there is a panic due to OMICRON VIRUS. But nobody has understood
it the same in detail. The ideal way is not to panic. The ideal way is to understand
the possible negative effects it may pose to health and try to prevent the
same. Since we are not ready to give time to understand – the next best thing
is to PANIC. This is the same behaviour to say no to CRICKET or no to investing
– without understanding them in detail!!
The problem is when your mind starts expecting two things – positive and
negative simultaneously – the one which is more powerful wins. By default –
negative expectations have a more powerful effect than positive. So, when the son
doesn’t get to the top – they will tell – see I knew it from day one that
you are not going to get selected in the TEAM. This is SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY.
This is applicable to stock market investments/marriage/business or almost
anything when you are starting something new.
Now let us decode the science behind the same.
What is the science behind this?
There are three aspects of the above issues.
You or your kid
Your desire to invest or kid's desire to play
Your expectation of the guaranteed return or kid’s selection
in the top team.
The first two are normal. You or your kid can have any desire and you
can invest your time and resources behind that. But when the 3rd
factor is added – your concentration will be divided between your investing and
your results of investing. Cricket playing and getting selected in the team.
So, your concentration will not be TOTAL in investing or in playing cricket.
Your energy will not be total in Investing. Your focus will not be total on
investing. You will not achieve excellence in the chosen area – be it your job
/ investing or cricket. When you are not EXCELLENT in your area – you will not make
tons of money or be selected at the top or you will not go to the top in your job
or profession. Simple.
If you are working in any area with these 3 factors – I give you the
guarantee that you will not reach the top in any area.
Ved Vays assures you of your results: -
On 20th November we had shared our post on Ved Vyas success
formula. The same is given as under.
यत्नॊ हि सततं कार्यः कृतॊ दैवेन सिध्यति
दैवं पुरुषकारश च कृतान्तेनॊपपद्यते
if you read the SLOK in both the lines the meaning is –
your KARMA continuously and wait for the time or
Bhagya. You create your own Bhagya with your KARMA and results of the same will
be given to you, even death will not take away your efforts.
So, if you or your kid continuously works in your chosen area or his
area without getting defocused on the results – you/he will get success when
your / his time comes or when God desires to give him. If at all he doesn’t get
success in this birth – he will get it in the next birth.
If you see some kids are talented from birth or if you see some
young billionaires – think on the above slok. They may be getting results from
their past life efforts. We have the limitation of the time travel as of now.
Someday we will have that facility but our rishis had TRIKAAL darshan and when
they write something – it can be considered as a guarantee.
Egoistic Readers will get a hurt reading above: -
An egoistic person wants to control everything NOW. He wants to control
the process and the results both. When Ved Vyas tells that results will come as
per TIME / BHAGYA or GOD’s Desire – his ego will get hurt. He will say – this
is all bullshit and I can do it whatever I want. I want my results at my time
and speed and not as per some GOD or BHAGYA.
You can continue your attitude and thought process. It’s your life and
when God is not stopping you to think against him – what VED VYAS or Hitesh
Parikh can do?
If you have this thought process – I give you a 1000% guarantee that
whatever your life you live – you will be unhappy for something or the other
issues and when you die – you will be very unhappy.
Those who want to go for MOKSHA or NIRVANA – they must be warned
against the above attitude. Existence will make you repeat your birth and
death cycle – till you change your attitude as per VED VYAS slok.
What NEXT?
Your kid is not your property. He is not there to fulfill your dreams. He
is an individual and independent life. he has his own dreams to fulfill. Let him
blossom the way he thinks it fit. You make clear your limitation to your kid with
financial support and other support, if you have any, to your kid and you both live
your life on your terms. He will be able to focus on cricket without any guilt.
Your relationships with your kid will improve for sure. You will enjoy each day
of your life. This is my guarantee.
Make your choice.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With
Hitesh Parikh.
Excellent explanation