JAINS - the World’s Most Successful Traders. Let us Learn Trading Secrets from them.
4th September 2021.
JAINS - the World’s Most Successful Traders. Let us Learn Trading Secrets from them.
Dear Fellow Travelers,
Namaste! Paryushan Parva is going on. Jain community is spending time in devotion. The way their devotion is total, their trading and business skills are also total. Thanks to my Jain friends – I have picked up a lot of good trading habits from them. Today I am sharing some of them as gratitude towards them and learning for other readers.
Origins of Jains as a hardcore Trading Guys: -
If you look at the history – a lot of kings and other Kshatriyas became the followers of Mahavir. Since they can’t fight or kill (due to Non-violence), you will rarely find a JAIN farmer/manufacturer of items where violence comes directly.
The only option left to them was to become TRADER or SERVICE. Being Kshatriya – they did not like to serve somebody – so, they have mastered the art of trading in such a way that they are the richest community in INDIA as of today!!
Let us learn their trading secrets and apply them to Shares Trading.
Strong Emotional Purpose:-
Jains do not see Money as a MAYA, the way Hindus see it. For them, Money is a power / Money can give them the ability to help others / Money can be used for the service of their religion and religious activities / Money can be used for noble purposes like running Panjara Pole (Supporting Cows) / Building Dehrasar (Jain Temple). Normal Middle-class Jain would also have a desire to build at least Ghar Dehrasar (home Jain temple) / they would have a desire to take the SANGH (their community guys) to take on pilgrimage to PALITANA or Sammet Sikharji.
If you study all of the above desires – they became the MUST force for them to earn money and earn a lot of money. These become the strong emotional purpose to earn money.
Learning for Share Traders: -
Just see above – they do not need money for the sake of money – they need money to fulfill their religious/social and emotional purposes. These act as major reasons for their fighting spirits in bad times and minting money when time is good.
If you do not have such strong purposes – you will never become a successful trader. So, set some emotional purpose to earn money from now on.
Staying in a SANGH: -
Typically, the Jain community stays around DEHRASAR – they call it SANGH (community). This act as a support system and also provides much-needed competition from a fellow Jain member.
is a mini-village concept – they all know each other and this acts as a reference
for them. If they start a new business – Sangh members will go all out to
support this guy.
acts as a COMPETITION also. Say a member does a good donation or good TAPASYA
(fasting) or Wears good clothes – this gives them additional motivation to
better that guy.
Learning for Share Traders: -
All successful traders also have their own community – where they talk about their hits and misses. They take ideas from each other and prosper together. At the same time – the success of a member acts as a motivational factor to better him in results.
So, create one such group and be in touch with each other.
Continuous Follow Up With GURU: -
They call their GURU as MAHARAJ SAHEB. Typical Jain will be in touch with his GURU. He will approach his guru for all major decisions of his life. Jain Maharaj Saheb keeps on moving – they are not supposed to stay at one place except during the 4 months of Monsoon – so this guy will go where his GURU is traveling (they call it VIHAR). This is a dedication towards his GURU.
When they remain in touch with their GURU with dedication – they get saved from committing blunders in their life. Their lives remain without much up and down. Mostly, it is Up only.
Learning for Share Traders: -
Even Rakesh has his GURU when it comes to Share trading. Warren Buffett has Charlie Munger. Take any successful names – they will be in continuous touch with their GURU, whether they are making money or not. If you don’t have any Guru, find out one and be in his touch.
Strong Follow up of System with Open Mind: -
A typical Jain would go to DEHRASAR every day in their pooja clothes. He will perform all the rituals as prescribed by their system. He will close his shop and take part in SANGH activities and all religious functions.
But when it comes to business – he is open-minded to experiment and try new ideas. He will not mind using somebody’s system for his business growth (provided it is not against Jain's believes). In other words, he is a combination of TRADITION with TECHNOLOGY!!
Learning for Share Traders: -
Typical smart traders also follow his system rigorously. He will follow it every day and every minute of his trading. He will keep a trade book and register all his observations/mistakes and read it before the market starts.
He will keep an open mind and will be every ready to buy new shares with stop loss or try the new system with an open mind.
My Success: -
I have been privileged to have got an opportunity to work with the most successful Jain businessman very early in my career and learn from them. I have been following their above qualities when it comes to my personal investments and I suggest you also follow the same if you like.
Have a great success.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh
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