One-Line teaching of BHAGWAN MAHAVIR – Buffett applies the same while investing.

 5th September 2021

One-Line teaching of BHAGWAN MAHAVIR – Buffett applies the same while investing.

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Namaste! Indians are blessed with a lot many great souls taking birth from time to time and sharing their treasure of knowledge for the benefits of all. Currently, Paryushan Parva is going on. I have come across just one-line teaching of Bhagwan Mahavir, which Buffett is also applying in the field of investing.

I have also been practicing the same for a long time (without knowing that it had been said by HIM). I had copied from Buffett. If you also apply the same, you will see a 100% change in your quality of life.


“Jo pasdi appanam, pasdi jain sashanam” – A person who sees himself separate from BODY and KARMA has seen all the Jain Sashanam. The stress is to know yourself and not the SHASTRAS. Once you know yourself, you become the SHASTRA yourself.

In the field of investments, various investors will follow various techniques of spotting their investments and trading ideas. They may swear by their technique and they may be fanatic about their technique. If they are following any technique – some or the other day that technique will not work, as all techniques will have some of the other limitations.

When technique fails, as they are sure to fail someday, a person will go into depression/frustration or out of the market considering this as his own failure.

What MAHAVIR says is 100% common sense. As an individual, there are no limits to the knowledge you can acquire from outside sources. 1000s of birth may not be enough to know all that is there. So, Mahavir says – know yourself first. Once you know yourself, you have known all. Because all are SOULS only.

Since MAHAVIR had known himself, he could talk about SYAD VAD and ANEKANT VAD. We have written about SYAD VAD – 7 probabilities of an event happening or not happening. ANEKANT VAD says the ultimate truth and reality are complex and have multiple aspects. Most guys get lost in the jungle of multiple aspects (I see many investors take a keen interest in knowing various techniques one after the another). The one who has known himself will never get carried away by just TECHNIQUES. He will focus on himself only. When he is focused on himself, he will win in the end.

How BUFFETT follows this technique?

He might or might have not studied Jainism but he follows the same in his own style. He focuses on the VALUE of the business. Price is affected by various factors like – election results, budgets, manipulation by operators, media, Taliban’s,  and there can be N number of other reasons for PRICE to move up or down. But VALUE is relatively stable and that’s why he focuses on VALUE only.

How is our system on TEACHING investment is different?

We are not interested in giving you or advocating to you any technique for your investments. We believe and we follow 100% one simple principle. KNOW YOURSELF first. Once you know yourself without any delusion you will find out the best technique suitable to your inner voice automatically.

Knowing oneself becomes the easy thing when you follow astrology and allied sciences. We follow at least 12 methods to guide our clients to know themselves. If you are interested in our input in self-knowledge, you can approach us. 

What NEXT?

Try to see BUSINESS VALUE while investing in India at this time as we have a lot many MACRO events lined up. I see the challenging period in the coming 2 months. Prices will move up or down, but VALUE will remain relatively steady. Go by Value.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.


Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh. 


  1. Good explanation but knowing self is little difficult for max of us ( saying & writing is easy)
    Value remaining same also nt clear to me as in share Mkts profits or loss definitely connected with price movements only I think pl explain


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