How to control your investments without controlling them? The Top secret of Buffett and Munger


28th September 2021

How to control your investments without controlling them? The Top secret of Buffett and Munger

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Namaste! There is a strong urge to control negative life events, health, relationships, and happiness. So, we have coined the smart words to hide our control mentality. We say success-minded, health-conscious, happiness-oriented person. Your focus on making your life successful/happy and healthy is the biggest proof that you lack success/ happiness and health. Let us see what is in our control?

Body: -

Let us start with something very SOLID. What functions of your body you are controlling? Birth, Breathing / Heart functions / Kidney functions / Digestive system / Brain functions, Sleep or Death. I don’t think any of the above is in a normal person’s control.

In fact, those who are health conscious – they create obstacles in normal body functions by doing rigorous exercise / eating various kind of healthy foods and doing various therapies. I have yet to find out what a so-called health-conscious person - living a long and healthy life.

Thanks to this unnatural treatment to their body - they end up affecting it negatively due to their control-freak attitude.

Mind: -

When you can’t control SOLID things such as BODY – to control your thoughts is the biggest difficulty. There are books such as – Power of Positive Thinking or the SECRET. They have become super successful in the market. Do you know why? Most people were negative thinkers and losers. So, they wanted to become successful at any cost.

This kind of thinking is implanted thinking and not natural thinking. So, whatever you have learned when you face the PANIC in life – you forget everything and you REACT as per your original nature.

There was a person who could fluently speak 10 languages. He went to AKBAR and challenged that ask his NAVRATNA’s to find out which is his mother tongue? Birbal just pushed him from the staircase and he fell down. He started abusing Birbal for pushing him. So, Birbal said this is your mother tongue.

The point is all your implanted thoughts will not help you control your behaviour and thoughts when you need them the most.

Money: -

In a typical SALES-related business – multi-level marketing/insurance or mutual funds – they motivate the sales guys with setting up the targets. They are asked to set goals. In the share market also when people come – they set the target for 100% return in 3 years or something like that.

They teach you the sure-shot recipe to remain unhappy for life. They called it PROGRESS. Say you set the target for Rs.10 lakhs this year. Once you achieve that you set up a new target for Rs.15 lakh, then Rs.20 Lakhs and so on and so forth.

Do you see the person will always be running for Rs.10 lakhs, Rs.15 lakhs, or Rs.50 lakhs with this thought process? Now, they want MENTAL PEACE or STRESS-FREE life!!

Controlling the Market: -

Now, a person who doesn’t have control over his body, his mind, and his money wants to control the market performance of his shares or portfolio. What a funny thought?

Tons of people are engaged in 1000 or more ways to control the market with their study and theories. When they approach the market with their readings – the market changes the situation only. It is like when you know the answer and questions are changed.

The market is collective intelligence and you can’t control it. When you can’t control your individual thoughts or body – how can you control the collective mind?

What is the BUFFET and MUNGER way?

They are the wisest people living on the earth and sharing their knowledge. They know that they can’t control the market. They can’t control the price of an individual company. So, they don’t waste much time in the so-called risk management system. They are using a simple way – they try to buy a company worth Rs.100 at the market price of Rs.80 or below.

No MBA degree or no high-sounding terminology. When you buy an Rs.100 worth thing at Rs.80, you have already made a 25% return. They don’t have any goals for the future. They enjoy when they invest. Their return is in the present so 100% peace of mind from day one.

This is the highest investment technique one can master. They don’t want to control anything as they know they can’t. So, the best way is to do the right things from day one.

What about an MBA reader who has been taught to plan, control, and manage?

When you read above – you will feel that you are just a puppet in the hand of the GOD or Existence or MARKET. Many people feel insecure by reading this and they simply aren’t ready to leave their DOING and CONTROLLING mentality. For them, I have a beautiful dialogue from the movie – ENTER THE DRAGON.

Bruce Lee - A good fight should be like a small play, but played seriously. A good martial artist does not become tense, but ready. Not thinking, yet not dreaming. Ready for whatever may come. When the opponent expands, I contract. When he contracts, I expand. And when there is an opportunity, I do not hit. It hits all by itself. (Read as many times as you like)

People like Bruce Lee, Buffett, and Munger are ready to face life moment to moment. They have transcended the planning, controlling, and managing mentality.

What NEXT?

Go beyond OBVIOUS thinking of the normal people around you. If you also think about what they are – you will be what they are.

If you need help in taking your thought process or investments to the next level, you can approach us.

Make your choice.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.


Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


  1. Be Ready in Life for all Opportunities knocking at your Door, Sounds unnatural but listen carefully to the knocks on the door or your ear and Move Ahead
    જય શ્રીકૃષ્ણ

  2. Hearty TNX for perfect analysis SIR true too Fw to others too TNX


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