The Top Secret of USA power lies in its Pentagon


11th July 2021

The Top Secret of USA power lies in its Pentagon

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Namaste! As told in our last posts, today is a very auspicious day and alert ones have taken our inputs to make it very special to take their life to the next levels. The last two posts on the USA have evoked a good response. Thanks a ton for the same. Today I am sharing the secret of the Pentagon.

Pentagon, as the name suggests, has 5 sides. If you have not seen it, kindly go to the following link. ( I have observed the following facts.


a.   We have five Sense Organs - Sight (Eyes), Smell (Nose), Taste (Tounge), Touch (Skin), and Hearing (Ears)


b.   We have five Organs of Action – Feet (Locomotion), Hands (Dexterity), Rectum (Excretion), Genitals (Reproduction), and Mouth (Speech).


c.    There are Five Great Elements – Ether, Fire, Wind, Water, and Earth.


d.   In the Mahabharata, there were 5 Pandavas. Their wife Draupadi had 5 children.


e.   Panchamruta, used in Hindu Rituals also have 5 elements, i.e., milk, curd, ghee, honey, and sugar.


f.    Lord Krishna asked for 5 villages to given by Duryodhana to the Pandavas to settle the war issue.


g.   If you randomly asked anybody to guess the number between 1 to 10, high probabilities have been observed that he will tell you number 5.


h.  In olden times and in small villages – there was a concept of PANCH IS PARMESHWAR. 5 people come together to deal with the disputes and their judgment was considered as the judgment of the God.

So, what is the specialty of a Pentagon?

It has 5 sides and 5 angles. Each of the angles has 108. 108 is a sacred number. So, until and unless your development is from 5 sides – you will not be very successful. If at all you have become successful due to situations (medical professionals due to COVID) or stroke of luck – your success will not be long-lasting without the support of the 5 factors.

I am sharing a Pentagon concept – if you follow it – I assure you success without a doubt. Today is a great day – so, start working on all the five factors.

Pentagon: - 

1)     The Base: - Make the base of pentagon with Knowledge. Knowledge about self, about others, about the market, about the industry, about companies, about anything and everything which can directly or indirectly help you in the successful achievement of your goals. The higher the knowledge you have, the longer will be your base. A longer base will give you a larger pentagon. A Large Pentagon will ensure Higher Success and staying power under adverse circumstances.


Here knowledge is not googling and copy-paste. Your actual exposure and experience.  

2)  Attitude: - Going clockwise the second side that comes is Attitude. The simple definition of Attitude is ‘What You Feel with What You Know.’ When you either know that market is going to go up or that the price of a particular company is going to rise or fall, what do you feel?  Your own biases, prejudices, and beliefs will shape your attitude. Importance of Attitude is said in one single line - Your Attitude decides your Altitude. If you carefully study the definition of attitude - it says - “What You feel with What You Know” - so the base is knowledge. So, increase your knowledge. 

3)  Skill: - Going clockwise ahead my 3rd Side comes. The simple definition of Skill is ‘What You Do with What You Know.’ Here also the base is knowledge. Without it, you can’t have better skills. In Skill, we practically test our knowledge. With more practice, we increase our speed, efficiency, and effectiveness. 

4)  Habit: - Going clockwise further, my 4th Side comes. Habit is a behavior that is repeated long enough till it becomes Automatic. With new and better knowledge, you can change your old habits and develop new habits which can help you to achieve your goals. You need to consciously develop habits of reading Balance Sheets and News about companies, if your goal is to become a successful investor. 

5)  Strategy: - This is the last side. Strategy is designed to effectively use the other four factors, i.e., in order to achieve your goals. Without a doubt, here also, your base is knowledge. Knowledge will decide how effective you will be while using your strategy. 

My Personal Observation on the USA: - 

As a country, it uses, buys, hires, develops, and innovates the best of knowledge & technology. It is fast in adopting knowledge & technology and thus achieves the goal of dominating other countries. Along with the Physical Pentagon, the USA is developing mental pentagon each day. They follow CANi – continuous and never-ending improvement. 

What NEXT? 

Knowledge is the base of the Pentagon. The more you know – the more you can act upon. Many people have a bias towards other methods or they are not open to the other options towards success. To that extent, their base becomes smaller. When their base is small – they can’t have stability in the times like COVID.

All my posts are aimed to make your base larger and solid. Take advantage of the same.

Have A Great Weekend.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.


Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.


Hitesh Parikh.


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