How do we see coming time based on Sun Cancer Ingress chart?


2nd July 2021

How do we see coming time based on Sun Cancer Ingress chart?

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This was our post for the full year on 26/03/2021. All our calls are going 100% correct. In the same, we had said that Enemies will do Air Attacks. Pakistan has started this with a Drone Attack last week. We have another 9 months to go. Keep watching about Air Attacks news going forward. Accurate predictions are our specialty.

The year 2021-2022 based on Sun Ingress Chart of M...

11:24 AM · Mar 26, 2021

Today we are sharing our predictions for the period starting from 16th July to 16th October. Sun enters Cancer sign on 16th July at 4.41 pm as per Mumbai time. We have prepared a horoscope based on that to see the coming 3 months period.

Vruschik Lagna: -

This is a watery fixed sign. Water and Fixed. Something you can’t imagine. But water in the Well and Tank is considered fixed water. Since it’s not moving – if you don’t use it – it will stale. So, India will have resources but it will not be used where it is needed the most.

Mars is Lagna lord sitting in the 9th house. This is a positive aspect indicating that India will be able to handle the challenges it will face in those 3 months. Some lady luck will help India. However, mars is considered debilitated in Cancer Sign. So, I don’t think Government steps will be effective for the masses.

Ketu in Lagna indicates that our Top guys will be in indecision regarding taking action at the right time. They will fail to take the right action at the right time. However, thanks to this Ketu, India will earn some recognition in the world in the coming 3 months.

Jupiter: - it’s a lord of 2nd and 5th - sitting retrograde in 4th house. 4th lord is sitting in 3rd house and it's also retrograde. This indicates that Indians as a country will face a liquidity crunch. Their plight and tough situations will continue to bother them. Our yearly chart also showed the trouble of normal people due to various reasons.

Retrograde 5th Lord sitting in 4th means – the share market will touch new highs and fall suddenly due to sudden changes in the situations or news.

Mercury: - Lord of 8th house and 11th house is sitting in the 8th house. It means losses will be turned out to be profitable for the country going forward. However, in the short term, people and the country will face severe losses.

Rahu: - Rahu is making a triangle with Shani and Moon. Rahu is in the 7th house. So, the issues of partnership at country levels / pollical levels/cheating by our neighbours / sudden and hidden attacks by neighbours look possible.

Sun-Mars and Venus are in the 9th house. Mars aspecting 3rd lord Shani from the 9th house indicates that there are 100% chances of issues with our neighbours. Since Mars is in the 9th and 9th lord is in 11th – I see that this will be beneficial to the country in the long term.

This will add to the flood-related issues and other natural calamities like Earth Quake also.

Shani and Guru: - Shani is Karma Lord and Jupiter is Dharma lord. Both are retrograde. It means challenges and issues in the area of Work / Businesses / Employments and Religions will continue to take the headlines of the media.

Moon is alone in the 11th house. It means the intentions of the governments will be good but they will not be able to help the people in the required manner. Moon alone also indicates the ruling party will feel alone to take the blame or fight the situation.

How to judge individual effects?

Take the help of a learned astrologer to guide you about your own time. All the collective actions mentioned above may not be negative for you or may not be positive for you. You will get the negative and positive effects based on your Karma.

What Next?

All our posts are written to educate our readers in advance and to prepare for the coming opportunity in the collective destiny. My going right in reading collective destiny is one thing and you are making tons of money out of that is another thing. The intelligent way is to align your individual destiny with collective destiny. Your progress will depend on the degree of alignment. More the alignments – more the benefits.

If you need our help in the same – you may approach us.


Have a great time.


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Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.


Hitesh Parikh.


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