The beauty of China’s Horoscope – How apparent GOOD LUCK is the Starting of the BAD LUCK?
7th May 2021
The beauty of China’s Horoscope – How apparent GOOD LUCK is the Starting of the
Dear Fellow Travelers,
Namaste! Thanks a ton for liking and forwarding our last post on COVID-2nd
phase ending. In the last one year – while the world was dealing with DEATH /
DESTRUCTION and DEPRESSION, China’s economy was moving up, up, and up. As per
some media reports – China’s GDP has moved up by 18%. This is a huge upside,
looking at the size of the economy.
What has been our call for CHINA since 2017?
We have categorically predicted that CHINA will get split into smaller
countries in the coming time. We were not positive for CHINA looking at the chart
of China from 2019 onwards.
Since September 2019, Mercury Dasha has started for China. Mercury is
the lord of the 9th house sitting in the 9th house in its own
sign. Mercury in Kanya Rashi is a very good combination but in the case of China,
Mercury is Retrograde and combusts with the Sun. It means Mercury, known for
Intelligence and Cleverness are converted into Cunningness and Cheating. (negative
Intelligence, you may say)
The Sun stands for Status / Name and Power. It’s the lord of 8th
house sitting in 9th house. 8th house is a house of Obstacles
/ Risk / Known Loss or Death. (death is a known loss to each of Human Being). Sun has to give the status but being 8th
lord in 9th house, China has got a BAD NAME. (China seems to be
following a saying – BADNAM HUE to Kya, NAAM to HUA).
So, China is using Cunningness / Cheating and taking Risk to gain power over
its competitors as Nature.
This has become OBVIOUS to the World in Mercury into Mercury period when
they realized about the location of the CORONA Virus is WUHAN.
So, apparent Good Luck is giving Bad Luck in the End. Those who follow
Jainism can say – “Punya Nu BANDHI PAAP” - Punya leading to Paap.
How is the Coming Period?
China could pass the really challenging time easily thanks to SHANI (in
our January 2020 – post on CORONA we had said this categorically) – Lagna lord
passing from Lagna since January – 2000. Shani will be in MAKAR rashi till
April -2022. Shani being a Lagna Lord, China was able to manage all the
Shani is getting RETROGRADE on 23/5/2021. Shani is combined with Pluto
in Lagna. They are opposite of their NATAL chart – Mars and Pluto. Mars will
pass from NATAL MARS and PLUTO in June and July.
I see some Government
and Governance related issues to bother CHINA.
fighting kind of situation may come up. Their people may go against the Government.
Calamities will bother China.
The coming
Lunar and Sun Eclipses are also bad for China.
They will
take up the BORDER issues with India and other countries.
Growth which is being shown as success will turn out to be not so positive. (the
real issue with China’s news is that we have to rely on what they share with us.
There is no possibility to get it verified by 3rd party).
Long Term for China: -
Pluto is the God of Death (YAM). When it combines with SHANI it creates
a big transformation. Shani Pluto is combining together in LAGNA. It means the existence
of CHINA will see some drastic changes.
Pluto will transit Makar Rashi till 2039. So, the coming 19 years will be
a period of drastic changes in CHINA. Mercury is not a positive planet for
CHINA as we have seen above. Balance Dasha of Mercury is also for 14 years.
So, two negatives – Pluto in Lagna and Mercury Dasha. Both are challenging China for
14 years together.
So, lot many changes will come in CHINA’s MAP and the way they exist in
this World in coming 14 years.
What Next?
At this moment China is an Engine of the World’s Growth. It is the
FACTORY of the World. But the coming time indicates the FACTORY will face
issues. It means the GROWTH will spread to other countries. India is at a SWEET
SPOT. From our side, we have predicted way back in September 2012 that by 2032, India will reach to the TOP
in the World.
I will not be surprised to see China’s Loss as our profit in the long
Take care of yourself and your near ones.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or
on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
TNX good blog but we all may feel still 11 yrs to become top but in history 11 yrs I know it's just a dot only