How to use SUN and MOON for your SUCCESS in Investments and HAPPINESS in Life?
14th May 2021
How to use SUN and MOON for your SUCCESS in Investments and HAPPINESS in Life?
Dear Fellow Travelers,
Namaste! Today is the most auspicious day of AKSHAYA TRUTIYA and most of the people in India understand the importance of the same. Lot many good events have taken place today and lot many enlightened people have taken birth today. In India, this is the best day for Marriage.
The real secret of Today is – Today Sun is exalted in MESH Rashi and Moon is exalted in Vrushabh Rashi. Sun is King and Moon is Queen. When King and Queen are best placed in their Court – all other planets have to listen to them and follow them. This is the reason – today whole day is considered to be the best muhurat.
1. What I Don’t Know?
Sun is an Ego. For an Egoistic Person,
there is nothing that he doesn’t know. He always believes that he knows all.
But when SUN is EXALTED – the person has POSITIVE EGO and he goes into Inquiry –
What I don’t know?
When normal guys approach investment
– they focus on what to buy? At what rate to buy? At what rate to sell? They
generally believe that the given call will perform as they are told. When
things don’t go as per their call - they start questioning about the same. At
that time – they are being told about economic reasons / Crude prices / US
Dollar rate prices / company-related scams and things like that. This puts off
the normal guy and they get out of the market cursing their luck or cursing the
guy who recommended them. All
“ME TOO” issues in media some years back were the results of not asking this
question by both the parties.
This happens because before investing
they don’t ask a simple question – WHAT I DON’T KNOW? When you
ask this question – you come to know the limitation of your belief about your
investment call/ business venture or any new venture say marriage.
The answers to the above question led
to series of revelations and they can give you the idea about the probability of
the call/venture/relations going right or wrong. So, you remain prepared for
any outcome.
According to my – What I don’t know? is
the best attitude to develop while you are investing. This is a Sign of
POSITIVE EGO. Use the power of EXALTED SUN today and every day.
2. I can’t afford it. It’s too costly.
This is a FEELING. I like it, I want to
use it but I say - “I can’t afford it.” The feeling is an aspect of MOON. When Moon
is exalted – your focus is on the happiness you get from the things you want to
buy or enjoy. You don’t focus on cost. This is a positive Moon.
Whenever a normal guy is proposed with
some product or service by some salesperson – his frequent answer is – I
can’t afford it. It’s too costly. I have no money. I have other priorities. There
can be an “N” number of such related reasons. But the bottom line is the same – “I
can’t afford it”.
When you say – “I can’t afford
it” N number of times, your inner mind starts believing them. This
belief is worst than COVID -19. Because it takes away the juice of living life. Remember - Nobody is SMART enough to cheat you better than
When you take the help of Positive Moon
– you ask a positive Question – HOW CAN I AFFORD IT? How can I pay to my
CREDITORS? How Can I generate additional money to pay for iPhone 12 Pro? When
you ask this question, your mind starts looking for ways to generate those
kinds of extra money. When you generate and get those products, your inner mind
starts believing in your capacities that “YOU CAN DO IT”. Once your mind
starts believing that “You Can Do It”, you start generating inner confidence and
So, take the help of Positive MOON.
What NEXT?
Whether you want to follow ASTROLOGY or
NOT, you can use the two planets – KING and QUEEN, by asking two questions in
any situations – What I don’t Know? and How can I afford it?
If you do this much only, I assure you,
your every day will be AKSHAY TRUTIYA.
All the BEST.
me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp
- +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
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