“Why don’t you share Specific Investment Ideas in your Blog?”
3rd May 2020
“Why don’t you share Specific Investment Ideas in your Blog?”
Dear Fellow Travellers,
Greetings from Hitesh! I keep on getting suggestions to make my blog more reachable to normal investors. The often-asked question is – “Why don’t you share Specific Investment Ideas in your Blog?” Way back in 2013 – I had done that experiment for about 15 weeks and I had shared my weekly ideas. The performance of the same is still kept in my blogs of those years. Over the years I have observed the real problems of normal investors when they go to market. Let me share the same with two questions.
Which stock I should Buy?
Let me share a very famous SUFI story of JESUS. Once a JESUS was passing by a VILLAGE and he shows a DRUNKARD lying in the gutter and abusing the GOD for giving him life.
JESUS went to that person and immediately recognized that this was the same person who had died some time back and out of COMPASSION, JESUS had brought him back to life. JESUS asked why you are abusing GOD now?
He said – “I have a lot of family problems and other issues. I am fade up with this life. I had already died. It was you – who brought me back to life. Now, I don’t what to live, but death is not coming. So, I am abusing GOD.”
Can you see the plight of JESUS? He did out of COMPASSION but this guy is blaming him for giving life back to him. This guy was not educated on how to live life?
How to INVEST?
Doing is important but how to do it is the most important aspect. Let me share another story of Buddha.
A lady named KISA GAUTAMI came to BUDDHA with a dead body of his little son. She asked BUDDHA to bring him to life. BUDDHA said – please bring a fist full of grains from the house in which nobody had died and I will be able to bring back the life in your son’s body.
She forgot her crying. She became happy now that her son will come to LIFE AGAIN and ran towards the village. She went to the house after the house and asked for the first full of grains. People were ready to give her as many grains she wants – but said some or the other person had already died in their family. By the evening – she realised that DEATH is REALITY and she became normal. Now she asked if DEATH is the END, why should I not get something which is beyond death? She came running to BUDDHA and asked him to give her DIKSHA.
Story says - KISA GAUTAMI became enlightened before death. It means she became death less from within.
Where is my FOCUS?
In my long journey as a consultant and investor – I have seen that success in investment is a function of WHICH STOCK TO BUY? + HOW TO INVEST? The first factor is responsible for 10% in the total success while the second factor is responsible for 90% in the total success.
People with a focus on just 10%, often end up with failure/unhappiness. All successful investors have the support of - Right Attitude / Right Knowledge / Right Habits / Right Skill Sets / Right Strategy. These things form the 90% in any success story.
As a Value addition to above – I use ASTROLOGY and VASTU factors also. Astrology tells me about Individual Destiny of my client and VASTU tells me about the COLLECTIVE Destiny of my clients. Those who take the pain of following all of the above - make tons of money and enjoys the money, too.
My aim is to prepare my clients HOLISTICALLY. I believe that SUCCESS must lead to overall WELL-BEING and HAPPINESS of my client and his family. If he ends up with only MONEY without the support of other factors – he will not be happy in the end and he will blame the society or the GOD for his situations.
What NEXT?
आज एक ख़्वाबने बड़ी नज़ाकत से पूछा,
“पूरा करोगे... या टूट जाऊँ”
I know each of you have dreams. If you want to achieve your dreams and want to enjoy the success – you will have to support your dreams HOLISTICALLY.
At DESTINY MANAGEMENT – we help our clients from DREAMS to DESTINATIONS. If you like our approach, please contact us.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp – +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh
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