How about seeing Nifty 12400 plus in coming 5 months?
2nd May 2020
How about seeing Nifty 12400 plus in the coming 5 months?
Dear Fellow Travellers,
Greetings from Hitesh! The last post on Reliance Industry once again proved our system is more accurate than any other system available at this point in time. I feel blessed that the System developed by RISHIS is helping me to make a difference in people’s lives in today’s pessimistic scenario.
Let us see at the market for a change.
Negatives in the Markets: -
1. Lockdown and its effect on the Economy in India and the World. This is an unknown factor as of now. Whatever is known is just a guess. Reality may be different.
2. When will LOCKDOWN open and how smooth it will be is another mystery as of now.
3. How fast existing business people will change or adapt to new business way is also a mystery.
4. The effect of above into the financial sector – Banks / Nbfc / Mutual funds / Insurance companies is an issue of great worry.
In short, today, there is a lack of clarity in almost all the areas you can think of. This has given the kind of PESSIMISTIC thoughts to the investors and they are skeptical about the next market movement.
Positives in the market: -
1. QE FOREVER kind of scenario is visible in all the countries of the world – particularly in the USA and Europe. They are printing money and adding to the market like never before. Tons of Dollars are available at the ZERO rate.
2. Funnily – they had closed most businesses – but stock and commodities markets were kept open by all the countries. I had mentioned in my post in FEB about this ANOMALY.
3. The Billionaires at the top are flush with cash. They have got the money at FREE cost or very negligible cost. They will want to take advantage of the pessimistic situations world over and make tons of money before normal situations come back. Today they have the best of the information / best of the money and NO COMPETITION.
4. I see VACCINES for CORONA will come sooner in the market – may be by May 3rd week or June 1st week.
What was my original CALL since December 2019?
If you patiently read my blogs from November 2019 to March 2020 – you will find FOUR IMPORTANT PREDICTIONS about the market in 2020.
1. Everything will HIT the ground. If I am correct, I have written this statement at least 5 times in various posts. I am sure most readers would have taken it CASUALLY. It has happened. Once again, our system proved superior to the other systems.
2. There will be a “V” share recovery in the market. If you look at the movement from 8000 to 9900 in the last 10 days, it gives a “V” shape. So, here also we have gone correct. We will see this “V” being repeated.
3. New business models / new sectors and new technology will drive the next TEJI. See the change in the way we are living on technology nowadays. Stocks will also reflect these changes.
4. FII money will come in tons to India. Looking at the USA QE Forever program – you will see the flood of money coming to India soon.
If you are not reading my blogs and making a note – I can’t help. But from my side – I am keeping all my readers way ahead of the market experts and market movements.
If our FREE GUIDANCE is so ACCURATE – how will be our holistic guidance when you join with us and follow us in totality?
What will I do, If I am a Billionaire Investor?
I will dump all the old stocks or go short. Buy NEW SECTORS and NEW STOCKS. Take the market to the NEW HIGHS.
Small investors always wake up late. When they come to the market after 3 to 6 months – I will sell my NEW STOCKS to the NEW investors at high prices and also COVER my shorts of OLD STOCKS which I have shorted now. I will make tons of money in both ways.
Small investors will hold old stocks now. When they reach the negligible levels – they will book losses and move towards new stocks or new sectors. They will sell their existing stocks at cheap levels and buy new stocks at high prices. Again, the same mistake.
In the last 29 years, I have seen 6 cycles of Teji and Mandi. Every time, the game is played the same way as mentioned above. The payers were different, the reasons were different but the end results were the same as mentioned above.
What should Investors do?
1. Analyze your existing asset classes and not just stocks.
2. The current situation is a GLOBAL FINANCIAL RESET according to me. It means you will have to look at all your assets and not just STOCKS. This is important for you even if you are not investing in stocks.
3. Align all your assets to the NEW WAY of the World. Those who are not fast in this step – will see a lot of pain in the times to come.
4. Till Lockdown opens – most of the business owners have a lot of time. Take an active interest in your money matters rather than spending time on BREAKING NEWS. Look at your financial priorities with FRESH EYES.
What MUNGER had said in one of his lectures?
Munger has said that - sometimes “the reality is too painful to bear, so you just distort it until it’s bearable.” I see this all the time among investors.
Your success will depend on whether you want to take the reality as it is now and follow what I said in about 4 points or you want it to distort it first and accept it after 3-6 months.
With the blessings of my GURU – I have been blessed with three aces - Vision to see the things before they happen, Guts to write about it categorically and near 100% Accuracy in our calls. All my blogs are testimony to my skill sets.
If you want to take advantage of the same – you can approach us.
Have a Great Time.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp – +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh
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