7 Qualities of Buddha – if you apply them to investments, will have tons of money
10th May 2020
7 Qualities of Buddha – if you apply them to investments, will have tons of money
Dear Fellow Travellers,
Greetings from Hitesh! We just celebrated Buddha Purnima on 7th May. I wanted to share his technique on that day only. However, better late than never. Buddha is a milestone in itself. If you look at Krishna – Hindus had Upanishads and Veda’s before him and HIS GITA is a personalised summary of all of them given to Arjun. If you look at MAHAVIR – Jains had 23 TITHNAKAR’s before him. So, both of them had a legacy. But when you look at BUDDHA, there was nobody like him in the whole history. He was NEW. He was FRESH. He was ORIGINAL. Let us learn from him today.
1. SEERS and Not Philosopher: - Buddha had seen the TRUTH. He had his personal experience of the same. He had done the SADHNA for the same and he had first-hand experience of the TRUTH.
He didn’t need philosophy. Philosophy is nothing but THEORY / CONCEPTS / IDEAS / PERCEPTIONS. Those who know them without EXPERIENCES are PANDITS.
Like TRUTH, Investment success can only be achieved when one does the SADHANA for a long time. By reading / by listening / by talking – one can become PANDIT (aka EXPERT). Buffett is a BUDDHA when it comes to investments and BUSINESS CHANNEL analysts are PANDITS.
If you follow PANDITS – you will never become BUDDHA. So, make your choice.
2. Original V/s Traditional: - Buddha had the first-hand experience of TRUTH. So, what he said came from his own experience. He need not follow TRADITIONS.
Motivational and Self-help books are the most read books. A simple formula for writing this book is – to observe the AMBANI'S / TATAS and BIRLA or JOBS or GATES. Find out what they did and write a book and make Millions. I have read many BIOGRAPHIES of SUCCESSFUL people. Not a single guy had said that he read Power of Thinking Big or Power of Positive Thinking and he became Billionaire.
All had a burning desire to do something in their field. They are ready to LEARN the skill sets / RISK everything and PURSUE their dreams against all odds. They paid the heavy price for their success. It was not a cakewalk. They all are ORIGINALS when they went for their goals. They didn’t go by FORMULA.
Investment also needs ORIGINALITY in the mind of investors. If he is not ready to LEARN / RISK and PURSUE – he will not go very far.
3. Scientists and not SASTRY: - Buddha was the most scientific person one can think of. His approach was filled with science. He never said that believe me. He said – use what I say as a HYPOTHESIS and start your journey towards TRUTH. If you experience at the end, I am right or I am wrong. His system has generated the greatest number of ENLIGHTENED PEOPLE so far.
Most guys come to the market with target return or assured return kind of mindsets. When you have this mindset (demand) – there are suppliers also. They come with innovative ideas to trap these kinds of investors. Recently, they faced the loss of Rs.28000 Crs in assured return kind of product.
4. Realistic V/s. Idealistic: - Buddha had influenced the large number of NASTIKS all over the world. He never talked about GOD or BHAKTI or SHRADDHA. All he said do DHYAN and let us see what happens? He was open to all. The young man can also join and the old man can also join. Hindu system of those days required that one can take SANYAAS only after 75 years. Buddha changed all.
Buffett started investing at the age of 11. When you want to do something very deeply – age/situations and society do not matter. You can start doing it at that time only.
5. Human Approach V/s. Rituals: - Buddha practiced that RITUALS are for SADHAK and SADHAK is not for RITUALS. Everyone has a different background and a different journey. So, all can’t be forced to follow a particular ritual BLINDLY.
In the normal course of the RELIGIONS and INVESTMENTS – they give standard formula. E.g. 100 – age is the % of investments in Equity. If we follow this, BUFFET should have just (100-90) 10% investments in Equities. But he is 100% into equities.
Every enlightened person has the capacities to see the numerous past births of the fellow who comes to him. Accordingly, he advises them.
In recent times – SRI M has written a beautiful book of his journey of his various Past BIRTHS for the last 5000 years. The book's name is The JOURNEY CONTINUES. One can read – if he wants to read the first-hand account of past lives.
6. Awareness V/s. Rules: - Life is new every moment. You can’t have rules for the same. Market is also new every moment. You can’t have rules but you must have AWARENESS within. If you have awareness – whatever you do will be RIGHT.
Let me share how AWARENESS can be used?
From November 2019 to March 2020 – I have made FOUR IMPORTANT PREDICTIONS about a market in 2020. We are proven 100% on dot.
Everything will HIT the ground. / There will be “V” share recovery in the market. / New business models - new sectors and new technology will drive the next TEJI. / FII money will come in tons to India.
Now, the most guys agree with the first two aspects. But when it comes to sell old and buy new sector's shares – they are not flexible. So, they want to follow the RITUALS but not to invest with AWARNESS.
7. Natural V/s. Un-natural: - Buddha was in favour of NATURAL behaviour. Natural behaviour is not behaviour out of your comforts as most people like to understand when they want to avoid doing something.
AHAAR (FOOD) / VIHAAR (MOVEMENT) / NINDRA(SLEEP) and MAITHUN (SEX) are natural as per western psychologist. But those of you have little knowledge of 7 CHAKRAS – will say that these qualities are for the people who are operating from 1st Chakra. What about the people at 2nd chakra to 7th Chakra? Buddha was at 7th CHAKRA.
In the name of NATURAL behaviour, most guys want to avoid going out of their comfort zones.
When you invest – you deal with the market. Market is the most alive phenomenon. You can’t play the market with your comfort zones. You need to see the market with LIVE and FRESH eyes every moment. This is 100% natural. All other behaviours are unnatural.
What NEXT?
If you have read the post till this point – congrats yourself. Most guys will not read this post. Now, compare your behaviour with the above qualities. Make suitable changes in your behaviour and you will have tons of money.
Wish you all a very happy week ahead.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp – +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh
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