8th May 2020


Dear Fellow Travellers,

Greetings from Hitesh! Looking at our skill sets – I keep on receiving suggestions to write on WARREN BUFFETT HOROSCOPE. This is very important for investors' point of view and also for students of Astrology. Just see his horoscope and try to compare with your horoscope, chances are there you will get some insights.

His Birth Details as per online data – 30th August 1930 / 3pm, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.

To make it interesting for the NORMAL readers – I am going to talk about 4 aspects of his horoscope. This can be compared with your own horoscope, for personal insights.

I will deal with – MONEY / Hard Work and Guts / Strategic Thinking and Donation.

Combinations for TONS of money: -

2nd house of Horoscope represents Money.

1.  Sani is the lord of 2nd and 3rd house. The Same is aspected by JUPITER ( Karak of 2nd house and lord of Lagna) along with 5th house lord Mangal ( house of investments and speculations). This is a major Rajyog for making money from the stock market.

2.  To support this – RAHU – is sitting in the 5th house. Rahu alone in the 5th house is good for out of the box thinking.

3.  Sani is aspecting MERCURY and VENUS in the 10th house. Sani’s aspect on MERCURY and VENUS is excellent for money-making from BUSINESS. Since VENUS and MERCURY are in 10th house - most of his investments are in Consumptions Businesses and Finance companies or banks.

4.  RAHU is making a TRIANGLE with SANI and SUN. Sun is in the 9th house and lord of 9th house in 9th house is a good sign. The 9th house is known as the house of BHAGYA.  SANI + RAHU + SUN – gives him BHAGYA. He was also criticized for his tough negotiations in the past.


1.  How many of us can read 5-6 hours a DAY? How many of us patiently wait for the opportunities to emerge in front of us and then take a big jump? How many of us would have read about all the listed companies in the USA and remember major figures of all of them?

2.  SANI in LAGNA gives him a LOT OF PATIENCE. MARS aspecting LAGNA gives him a lot of ENERGY to stick to the work he is doing. The aspect of MARS and JUPITER on SANI gives him guts to invest with CONVICTION when opportunities arise.

3.  Jupiter is also aspecting 3rd house and it makes him DOUBLE GUTSY. Jupiter’s aspect on 11th house is making him receptive to BIG MONIES. Many guys have the capacities to make big monies but if it is not supported by capacities to receive money – one will not be able to handle those monies. Buffett is blessed to do both.

Strategic Thinking: -

Sani’s aspect on MERCURY / Mars aspect on MERCURY gives him very sharp, quick, and accurate calculating capacities. He has calculated premiums of CALLS expiring after 10 to 30 years with the utmost accuracy and made tons of money by selling them without using computer programs.

RAHU in 5th house is also responsible for out of the box and creative thinking. Many of his picks had surprised the WALL STREET people at the time of its announcements. In fact, his buying in the PANIC is one of the most out of the box way of investing for normal people and most MBA’s of WALL STREET.  


This is a very interesting aspect. A many from ZERO becomes HERO and now he donates all. As per the available details –
  • Warren Buffett pledged in 2006 to give $37 billion in stock to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to be used for health and education purposes.
  • The donations are being made in annual installments that will be completed 10 years after his estate is settled.
  • Each year, Buffett donates a chunk of his Berkshire Hathaway A shares, that are then converted into B shares and given to the foundation.
  • He is also donating to a non-profit that he runs in the name of his late first wife, and to non-profits run by his three children. His children will also receive cash inheritances.
  • His 2019 donations totaled $3.6 billion and his total donations since 2006 are $34 billion, representing 45% of what he pledged at the time

Once again SANI is responsible for these donations. SANI is in LAGNA and it is RETROGRADE. It means it is going towards the 12th house. SANI gives kind of INDIFFERENCE towards worldly matters. SANI is a planet of Compassion. Moon is also in the 12th house and in ANURADHA nakshatra. 12th House is the house of a big loss. Donation is a loss out of choice so, it becomes profit.

Most people when they die leave money for their kids. BUFFETT is smart here also. He is giving his money while he is alive. It means he is seeing that his money is used properly for the needy people or proper cause.

What it means for NORMAL investors?

Read above mentioned 4 points. The base is HARD WORK / Patience / Indifference towards MONEY and Donation. He is a living example of what KRISHNA asked ARJUN in GITA.

He is doing KARMA - to prove his SKILL SETS (YOG KARMSU KAUSHALYAM) / without attachment to results (Karmnyev Adhikaraste) and for LOK KALYAN (DONATIONS).

The BIG SUCCESS comes automatically when one is equipped with the above qualities from within. I am happy that I am living in this world when such a person is alive and making a difference in people around the world with his work.

I wish you all a very HAPPY WEEKEND.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp – +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh


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