World Wide Central Bankers Activities suggest CORONA is to kill the USA

3rd April 2020

World Wide Central Bankers Activities suggest CORONA is to kill the USA

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Greetings from Hitesh! My master gave me a GURU Mantra – everything happens for a reason. It is quite possible that you may not come to know the real reasons when the events are played out. But if you keep your eyes and ears open – you will find out someday for sure.  Recently, we had written about the hidden agenda of the top people on 19th March.

While going through the online data – I came across the activities of top WORLD BANKS. The data is as of 7th January 2020.  

1.  In 2018, foreign central banks bought levels of gold not seen since 2010.

2.  The past year of 2019, according to 3rd quarter figures, shows that banks bought even more; 12% more than in 2018.

3.  In 2019, central banks purchased at least 550 tons of the “barbaric relic”, and it looks like they don’t plan to stop anytime soon.

4. Leading buyers have included Russia, China, and Turkey, with the former two being the leading buyers for several years now. (incidentally, – RUSSIA has no effect of Corona and China is moving ahead economically as per the PMI march data).

5.  But central banks aren’t just buying gold, they are also demanding their gold storage be transferred away from offshore holdings and back to their own vaults.

6.  Germany repatriated $31 billion (583 tons) in gold from Paris and New York vaults. Turkey repatriated 220 tons from the Federal Reserve. The Netherlands repatriated 122 tons. Poland repatriated 100 tons of gold from vaults in England. Both Hungary and Romania have announced plans to get their gold holdings back, and nationalists in Italy have demanded that Italy’s gold reserves be released by banks and returned to public control.

7.  The bottom line is, there is a gold rush going on by central banks as well as governments, and the public is being left utterly out of the loop as to why.

8. They know that a global crisis is about to happen, and so they prepare as any smart investor would, by buying the one commodity that always goes up when the manure hits the fan and most other assets go down. But what is the nature of the crisis they are preparing for? Most likely, a geopolitical conflagration followed by a monetary crisis with the U.S. dollar at the epicenter. (See the USA is the most affected at this moment).

9. Economic disasters do not generally happen in a vacuum. There are always geopolitical threats that trigger the collapse of financial bubbles, or, the threats are engineered to coincide with the bubble collapse in order to obscure the true culprits behind it. One way or another, it would appear that central banks are privy to a looming calamity that will result in a threat to the current monetary order. I suspect that this event will be preceded by a geopolitical conflict; a smokescreen or scapegoat that will take the blame for the disaster while the central banks that created the mess in the first-place escape scrutiny. (CORONA is SCAPEGOAT)

10.            The levels of central bank gold buying have increased so rapidly in the past two years, this suggests to me that whatever they are preparing for is about to occur very soon. (Corona Came out in January itself).

What has been outcall?

From 2015, we have given a bold call that the USA is about to die by 2024!! We have been advising our NRI friends to invest in India since 2011 or not to go to the USA for permanent settlement as the stakes for failures are high.

We have always maintained since 2018 that World Financial System is due for RESET. We have also said possibility about some FED COIN akin to BITCOIN to remove all the debt of the USA in 2019.

What is my personal call?

As an individual, we are too small to decide about the global system or to dictate the terms of the change. However, we have full power to manage our money, the way smart people manage. Money is the Sixth Sense. If you don’t use it properly – all other 5 senses will become useless.

Learn the fine art of investing as soon as possible. You can approach us if you like our way of dealing with Money.


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