Corona has forced the World to think about DEATH. What about Death of your Job/Business/Habits?

9th April 2020

Corona has forced the World to think about DEATH. What about Death of your Job/Business/Habits?

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Greetings from Hitesh! The world has started thinking in terms of DEATH instead of Money. Suddenly money and things money can buy have become secondary and Saving life has become a Primary Driver. But DEATH has happened in the area of business/job and personal confidence.

From our side, we had warned all the readers in various posts. The most recent post was on 25th January. While writing about SHANI Sankranti Horoscope on 25th January, we had predicted the following - House: - Saturn is in the 10th house as per the CHART. It will become violent in the area of business. It means – All old ways of working / old way of doing business will have to find new ways of working and new ways of business models. Some new businesses/technologies will come up. Established players will have a tough time maintaining their leadership – if they are not ready to embrace the change.

Read above PARAGRAPH as many times as you can. But you can’t change your ways of doing business overnight / your job overnight and your habits overnight.

The plight of Job Goers and Small Business owners: -

Many companies have started a Cost reduction program. Mahindra Finance has announced to close 85 regional offices and make 4-5 Service centers. Freeze in New Recruitment. In a recent article Rajiv Bajaj said that though he has assured all his employees and contract workers to take care of expenses till 14th April, he will give a thought about expenses post 14th April, if the lockdown continues.

Small business persons are at home. They can’t open their shops and naturally, the customers are also in lockdown. So, no business.

There are opinions that companies cutting salaries or stopping the new recruits are SHORT SIGHTED. But the problem is lying somewhere else.

What could be the cause of our Problems?

1.  Do you think CORONA is a problem?
2.  Do you think Modi Ji is a problem that he locked out?
3.  Do you think corporates are SELFISH?
4.  Do you think CHINA is a problem?
5.  Do you think SHANI is a PROBLEM?
6.  Do you think your Business Model is a Problem?
7.  Do you think your JOB profile is a Problem?

There can be many other reasons also as per your thought process and maturity. I see only one major cause of the challenges in a particular individual’s life.  

Actual problem for individual challenges in CURRENT situations: -
He has not prepared himself for this kind of situation when going was good. The most famous question a normal guy asks when any new idea or suggestion is given to him -   What is the NEED of it NOW? If you force him little – he will give another two famous reasons for not following – I have no time to do it now? I have no money to do what you say?

If any person is in problem now due to CORONA and LOCKDOWN – I can tell you with 100% surety that he would have given any or all of the above reasons when the new ideas were presented to him about planning his money / changing his business model or upgrading his skill sets in the past.

Let me share how America was warned about PANDEMIC in 2006 by BUSH. See the video. But they did not follow his vision. Today America is paying a heavy price in terms of Life loss and Economy loss. They are blaming CHINA!! Will it solve their problem now?

How Bill Gates will make TRILLIONS out of this PANDEMIC?

I remember he twitted in early January about the coming Pandemic. Today his VACCINE is going for HUMAN TRIAL!! Are you surprised?

There are two TWEETS by ROBERT Kiyosaki:-  

BREAKING NEWS. Corona VACCINE the new GOLD. BIll Gates announce his vaccine begins human testing today. SURPRISED? I’m not. Pandemic fishy. TRUMP in. Trump needs to get economy going to win re-election. Gates will make trillions. Elites will make vaccination mandatory. Fishy.
6:05 AM · Apr 9, 2020 

PLANNEDDEMIC? Anyone see the irony of the man who created the most hacked operating system most susceptible to computer viruses is now selling a human vaccine? Gates pro vaccines for years. Today, on my birthday, he begins human testing. PLANNEDDEMIC? Fishy. VIRUS IN OUR MINDS
7:01 AM · Apr 9, 2020 

See how the big people have a hidden agenda for their DONATIONS. But the point is HE IS PREPARED to BENEFIT from this SITUATIONS. He did investments in vaccines WHEN THERE WAS NO VIRUS. 


What is the GURU MANTRA for Success?

If you invest in SKILL SETS / TECHNOLOGY or MONEY MANAGEMENT when you really DON’T NEED TO DO, you will get their benefits when you really NEED THEM.

This is one of the reasons – J P MORGAN called ASTROLOGY is for BILLIONAIRES not for MILLIONAIRES. Say somebody is facing the heat due to SHANI SADE SATI, you can’t help now him with immediate results. But if he had PROACTIVELY taken action last year – he will be in a comfortable position now. We call it – DESTINY MANAGEMENT.

Don’t waste time in REASONS / THEORIES and CONSPIRACIES. Take DRASTIC and FAST ACTIONS to change your situation. If you need help, you can approach us.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp – +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh


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