1000% Sure Shot Strategy to avoid losses in Investments

13th April 2020
1000% Sure Shot Strategy to avoid losses in Investments

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Greetings from Hitesh! Those who are stuck up in Investment Chakravyuh have questions like – when they will recover their losses? When will the revival in the market come? Today I am dealing with a 1000% sure shot strategy to avoid losses. Let me share a meaningful story from KATHO UPANISHAD before we go ahead.

Story of NACHIKETA and YAMA: -

Vājashravasa, desiring a gift from the gods, started an offering to donate all his possession which is called ' SARVA DAKSHINA'. But Nachiketa, his son, noticed that Vajashravasa was donating only the cows that were old, barren, blind, or lame; not such as might buy the worshiper a place in heaven. Nachiketa wanting the best for his father's rite, asked: "I too am yours, to which God will you offer me?". After being pestered thus, Vājashravasa answered in a fit of anger, "I give you to Death (Yama)".
So Nachiketa went to Death's home, but the god was out, and he waited three days without any food or water. When Yama returned, he was sorry to see that a Brahmin guest had been waiting so long without food and water. In Indian culture guests are believed to be equal to god and causing trouble to god is a great sin. To compensate for his mistake, Yama told Nachiketa, "You have waited in my house for three days without hospitality, therefore ask three boons from me". Nachiketa first asked for peace for his father and himself. Yama agreed. Next, Nachiketa wished to learn the sacred fire sacrifice, which also Yama elaborated. For his third boon, Nachiketa wanted to learn the mystery of what comes after death.
Yama was reluctant about this question. He said that this had been a mystery even to the gods. He asked Nachiketa to ask for some other boon and offered many material gains.
But Nachiketa replied that material things will last only till tomorrow. He who has encountered Death personally, how can he desire wealth? No other boon would do. Yama was secretly pleased with this disciple and elaborated on the nature of the true Self, which persists beyond death.

The main points from the STORY: -

Nachiketa went to the house of DEATH and he could not find Yama there. 

Indian Upanishad has better advice than CHARLI MUNGER: -

I have written many posts on MUNGER. I like his one sentence very much – “let me know where is my death, so I don’t go there.” All he says if you don’t incur losses, you will have profits. That is the simplest advice from CHARLI. Rishi of Katho Upanishad has better solutions than CHARLI. He is BOLDER than Munger.

He says don’t wait for DEATH to come to you. You got to death. Nobody has escaped death so far. But when you go for DEATH from your SIDE – DEATH will not be there waiting for you. See in the above story – DEATH GOD was not there at home and this kid waited for 3 days.

How to apply this for Investment Success?

Go for Losses. Whenever you invest – think that this is your loss. When you have a loss-making attitude – you have discounted all the possibilities of making losses. You are prepared for Loss. In fact, you have already written down that amount as losses.

Do you know – Losses happens only and only when you have expectations of Profit or keeping your capital intact at least? But since you have already gone ahead with the LOSSES in your mind – nothing bad can happen with you.

Maybe taking inspiration from NACHIKETA – KADAR KHAN would have written his most famous dialogue in the movie Muqaddar Ka Sikandar.  He is giving you the recipe for success in his own style. See this link.

Hidden Secret of Loser making money: -

At the TOP, all great minds have the same thinking – Katho Upnishads /Buddha /Munger /Krishna or Mahavir. I have written about all of them from time to time. The underline TRUTH they are telling is going for LOSSES or Consider everything as a loss – as DEATH would take away all from you someday.

100% of the guys come to the market to make the profit. In reality – 80% losses and 20% make the profit. Now, if you are going for Loss – you have a 80% probability to go right. In means, your chances of success in losing money are 80%.  When you are 80% sure for your success in making losses – will you allow losses to happen or do you think you will have losses?

My personal experience says – I have always ended up making huge profits. This is very advance thinking and many may find it difficult to understand. To make it easy – I have added a clip of Kader Khan. Apply in your life situations and you will understand.

Have a Great Week Ahead.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp – +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh


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