Will Lockdown be EXTENDED?

2nd April 2020

Will Lockdown be EXTENDED?

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Greetings from Hitesh! I keep on receiving messages and calls about getting bored in this lockdown. Many friends are finding it difficult to pass the time. They feel suffocated, frustrated and paralyzed with themselves. Many job goers are worried whether they will get their salary in full or part? Many are worried about what will happen after 21 days? The most asked question is – will lockdown be extended?

I am wondering – for all those who are bored with 21 days lockdown – what will they do when they retire? What will they do when they are sick in old age and not able to move out? What will they do if they have to stay alone in their house without family and can’t go out?

What are normal Retirement Ideas?

Most people have ideas about their retirement life. They will go on tour / they will meet friends / they will read books / they will go on a pilgrimage or they will spend time with family.

What happens in REALITY?

A normal job goer or a businessman is busy in job or business till he retires. He has genuine plans to do about the mentioned things when he retires. He is honest in his desire. But in the run-up towards his business or job success or routine – he fails to develop HABITS for the above things.

The other issues are – life never gives NOTICE in advance that this will happen on this date and time. It comes suddenly. How many of us expected that we will have 21 days lockdown? How many job goers expected that they may not get a full salary for March and April?  How many small business people was ready with the kind of cash to pull on the business and home expenditure with business closed for 21 days?

Long back my personal coach shared with me some of the best knowledge which I am using every day. He taught me the following.

If you are not consciously developing good HABITS, you are unconsciously developing BAD HABITS.

Say you want to read books in RETIREMENT LIFE – so start reading when you are not retired and keep your eyes healthy. You want to move around with FRIENDS in retirements – so start developing personal friendship from today.

If you are not consciously investing your money, you are unconsciously wasting your biggest power.

Many guys indulge in Impulsive shopping when they go to mall or shopping area. Now, they don’t need this but since they saw that item, they picked up on impulse.

Buffett taught me beautiful thing – if you buy things you don’t need, someday, you will have to sell things you need. Look at all the corporates who have gone to NCLT – despite being so big- they also had to sell their core businesses or go out of businesses due to their excess investments or expansions in unrelated area.

Buffett also taught me to SAVE first and SPEND LATER. Most guys do the spending first and SAVE, if at all some money is left. In most cases, they end up doing over spending thanks to CREDIT CARDS/ PERSONAL LOANS and things like that. So, they live pay cheque to pay cheque. They are always under pressure and worry for next pay cheque.

The main point I have learned for success in all areas was – if I want something, I will have to consciously work for it. If I am not consciously working towards good results – I am unconsciously inviting the bad results.

What about Lockdown?

Real question is not about LOCKDOWN. Most guys have not trained themselves to stay home doing nothing or finding it to do something without any purpose or goal. Most guys have not gone beyond their routine and that is causing them the boredom/frustration and agitation.

In the last 100 years, this kind of LOCKDOWN has not happened in the world over. If you are young or middle-aged – see these 21 days as mini retirement and prepare yourself for the final retirement.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.



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