How do we see Mr.Narendra Modi’s Horoscope for 2020 and its effect on the Indian Economy and Stock Market?

20th January 2020

How do we see Mr.Narendra Modi’s Horoscope for 2020 and its effect on the Indian Economy and Stock Market?

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Greetings from Hitesh! We are entering into 4th week of January today. This is the last 10 days before the Budget. So, we are sharing our views on the economy and market. We are using Mr. Modi’s horoscope to see how his steps will affect the economy and stock market in general.

My MBA friend may ask – what MODI’s horoscope has to do with the Indian economy and stock market? He is the leader and his thoughts and decisions will be the key driver for India. His thoughts and decisions will be affected by his STARS and that’s why we are seeing his horoscope. Hope this explanation will be enough.

His Horoscope:- 

The sudden change from HERO to ZERO: -

Have you seen before Maharashtra Election he was the hero? Everything was going smoothly for him and there was no opposition against him. From 5th November his stars changed and Sharad Pawar could take him for a ride. BJP lost power in MAHARASHTRA.

After CAA – he should have been given thumbs up but there is a lot of chaos in the country and lot of opposition – in a wrong way – and he is affected. His image is affected and it seems he is not able to do anything to deal with the issues created against CAA.

From 5th November 2019, he is passing through MOON into KETU Antar Dasha. Ketu is in the 12th house. House of Sudden Loss. See his loss in Maharashtra – he lost it after forming a government with AJIT PAWAR. It was a sudden loss. All opposition parties are against him for CAA. This should have been positive but he is facing the criticism.

If you see the horoscope – Moon is in 2nd house and Ketu in 12. His supporters – SHIV SENA (2nd house) became the reason for his Loss (12th house).

He will have KETU ANTAR DASHA till 5th June 2020. During this time, he will have challenges in terms of health / further losses/criticism.

Can he be stopped?

No. He was under the spell of SHANI SADE SATI and that period is getting over on 24th January. Shani is the KING of JUSTICE and he never favours anybody. He is the most ethical and justice lover. He favours only the right actions. We all have to pass through his examinations. For him MODI or common people both are equal.

Shani will come in 4th house and it will make an RAJ YOGA known as SASH. In his horoscope, GURU is retrograde and in the 5th house. The combination of JUPITER and SHANI will make him the most effective in dealing with the issues of India. Shani in the 4th house gives a lot of compassion and he will take a lot of steps of the betterment of people of India. His management power will be at a peak at this point in time.

Shani in 4th house gives him the power to think about long term moves. His moves will be like CHANAKYA. His moves will surprise the opponents and they will be taken by sudden surprises after June 2020. I have warned time and again to all WRONG DOERS against India. They all will get a real taste of MODI – the real scorpion ( his moon sign is VRISCHIK).

Those who were not happy with his policy decisions so far will have no reason to complain about him in the coming 30 months. He will be able to fulfill his promise of ACCHE DIN / SABKA SAATH SABKA VIKAS in this period.

How does this will affect the Economy and Market?

His steps will LIFT the Indian economy, irrespective of WORLD conditions. The market always discounts the future. So, the market will start moving ahead as soon as some green shoots are visible to the market people.

I have been telling you all from 2019 that this is PARADISE for Investors. If you really want to make money – don’t sit on the fence. Come and take part in the market and your generations will bless me.

What should you do to deal with SHANI change?

King of Justice Saturn - Shani is changing from Dhanu Rashi to Makar Rashi on 24th January 2020 - this is known as SHANI SANKRANTI, akin to MAKAR SANKRANTI - we have just seen on 15th January.

To propitiate Shani, to take his blessings and to deal with the pain of his justice, It is recommended to DONATE following things to SHANI DEV / some needy people or old people during SANKRANTI PUNYA KAL.
You can donate the following things or whatever you can arrange from the below-given items.

1. Black Cloth

2. Iron Utensil - say TAVA





7. DAKSHINA - CASH GIFT along with above.

The timing of DONATION is 6.59 am to 12.47 pm on 24th January 2020.

Irrespective of your MOON sign - I suggest all must give the above donation. SHANI DEV will bless you all.

The donations will look like this.

You can approach us for personalized guidance.

May Lord SHANI Bless us all.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp – +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh

Your Personal Destiny Manager.


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