Arjun’s Master Strategy to Win Mahabharat War is applied by Buffett and Rakesh for long. You can also apply.
2nd January 2020
Arjun’s Master Strategy to Win Mahabharat War is applied by Buffett and Rakesh for long. You can also apply.
Dear Fellow Travellers,
Greetings from Hitesh! This is the first blog of 2020. I want to start this blog with my favourite book Mahabharat. It has a lot of learning hidden. The more I read, the more I get newer meanings and newer perspectives. Today I am dealing with the incidence before Mahabharat War – in which Duryodhan and Arjun went to meet Lord Krishna for help in War. Let us see what happened there?
Meeting of Arjun and Duryodhan with Lord Krishna: -
When both went to see Lord Krishan for help in WAR – he was sleeping. Arjun sat at the feet of the lord and Duryodhan sat on the head side of the Lord. He woke up and saw Arjun first and then Duryodhan.
He asked the purpose of coming to see him and they both told about their purpose. Lord said before you ask any help let me tell you that I am not going to fight the war. I have my Army. So, you have to choose between Me and My ARMY. Since I saw ARJUN first, he would choose first.
This was the worst moment for Duryodhan. He wished that he should have given the first option to choose but he can’t force Krishna. He wanted to ARMY as Krishna was useless according to him. But when Arjun chose Krishna, he was very happy with the foolishness of Arjun. He went home with the support of Krishna’s Army and Arjun went home with the support of Lord Krishna – who was not going to do anything.
What was the STRATEGY?
1. Arjun did not choose Krishna to win the war. Duryodhan chose the Army to win the war.
2. For Arjun being with Krishna was most important than winning the war. For Duryodhan winning the war was important.
3. Arjun chooses the Master of the ARMY while Duryodhan chose the SERVANTS.
He went into depression looking at the relatives at the start of the war. At that time KRISHNA only motivated him and he won the war at last. So, he chose the person who can be with him in his win or defeat.
How does this relate to Shares?
Most investors have Duryodhan Syndrome. They want only profit and that too FAST. They are always in the lookout for moving stocks / hot tips and media picks. For them those stock which does not move fast – are useless. They go on accumulating various stocks in search of their profit. They have very strong likes for performing stocks and dislikes for non-performing stocks.
Buffett and Rakesh kind of investors pick up stocks they like. Management they are comfortable with. Companies, whose business models they understand. They buy at the proper valuation or when nobody is interested in buying them. (Arjun chose Krishna when Duryodhan was not ready to choose him).
What happens in Practical Life?
Look at your life. Very few or one person would have stood beside you when you were in the soup. All your FACEBOOK contacts / 1000s of LIKES / Twitter followers / your so-called social group friends / your relatives – nobody was with you.
This is the NATURE’S Rule. Shrewdest of the investors know about this and they follow it religiously.
What NEXT for Investors?
In spite of doing detailed research before investing – Rakesh could get 4 companies out of 33 companies that moved right. Buffett invested in 215 companies and only 15 companies moved.
They won the game because they had one super quality – they had PATIENCE / PATIENCE and PATIENCE. Once they chose the company – they left the price aspect on MARKET and waited with PATIENCE. Slow is Fast for them.
If you accept this concept with your heart then only you should come to SHARE MARKET.
If you need help with investing or personal issues, you can approach us.
Have a HAPPY INVESTING in 2020.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
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