Steve Job daily asked – “What if today is the last day of my life?”
6th January 2020
Steve Job daily asked – “What if today is the last day of my life?”
Dear Fellow Travellers,
Greetings from Hitesh! Yesterday we dealt with the First Day formula of Jeff Bezos. He is seeing as if today is the first day for everything. Apparently 100% opposite was the technology and terminology used by the equally successful guy was STEVE JOB. He used to ask – “What if today is the last day of my life?”
Last day Memories: -
Remember feelings you had when you left your school in 10th /12th or college after your graduation? There were feelings of Missing somebody / Lot of memories were coming out and you were not able to express so, your eyes were flowing with tears. Remember the day your daughter was getting married and leaving for her husband’s place. Remember how you dealt with the last day of your loved ones – when he left for HEAVEN? Remember when you left India and went to settle abroad? Remember when you left your town to settle in a city?
Above are some of the examples of LAST DAY in your life. There can be many such examples. But the feelings of LAST DAY was the same.
In Indian culture – normally, we go out of the way to fulfill all the desires of the person who is going to be with you on the LAST DAY. Am I right?
Are STEVE JOB and JEFF BEZOS talking two deferent things?
Apparently yes. But see the results. By asking – What if today is the last day of my life – he focuses on activities he wants to finish TODAY itself.
Jeff Bezos asks – what if today is the first day of my life? He also focuses on TODAY.
They both use different terminology – to reach the same destination – TODAY.
They know – Today – this moment - is the only FACT. Rest is imagination.
What happens when you apply LAST DAY TECHNOLOGY?
When you become Today Centric – you will focus on the only important task at hand. You will give your total attentions to the details in whatever you do.
Steve focused in totality and he created an iPhone which is most beautiful from outside as well as from inside. There is nothing which was distracting or troubling the eyes when you open the iPhone. It is only beauty. The end results – the company is still the most profitable phone manufacturing company in the world.
What happens when you get ENLIGHTENED?
The great souls whom we worship as GOD – Mahavir / Buddha / Krishna /Ram / Mohammad / Jesus / Nanak and N number of other great people – they all had got the ability to be in PRESENT MOMENT permanently. They were living in TODAY only. For them, each moment was the TOTALITY.
So, when you start focusing on TODAY, slowly you are heading towards spirituality.
How BUFFETT is applying this to investments?
Buffett uses the same technology of TODAY – but he uses different terminology. He says – I am okay if the market closes for 10 years after my purchase. How many of us can say this sentence?
He can say this because when he was investing, he was present in totality. He had given his 100% to the small details of the investment aspects. Once he had done that – there was no way he can go wrong. He is the only RICHEST investor among the top ten business persons in the world.
When you do your work with totality – you are aligned to the existence. Because the Existence is nothing but only PRESENT MOMENT. So, when you remain in the PRESENT – you are with the GOD (existence). When you are with the GOD, you can’t go wrong.
What NEXT?
We had decided to focus 1st week of 2020 to the learning from the masters. We have learned from ARJUN / BRUCE LEE / JEFF BEZOS and STEVE JOBs in the last 6 days. If you have missed them, I suggest, you read them and prepare for 2020 and beyond.
May you get your PRESENTS in PRESENT MOMENT.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
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