Our Prediction on USA tallies with BIBLE & HEBREW CALANDER – Just read. What a CO-INCIDENCE?

November 12, 16

Our Prediction on USA tallies with BIBLE & HEBREW CALANDER – Just read. What a CO-INCIDENCE?

Greetings from Hitesh! After reading my predications on USA done in AUGUST 2015 and repetitions on November 10, 16 in our post titled  - Our Two More MAJOR PREDICTIONS have come CORRECT - PREDICTION on USA and Indian Public will SUFFER due to political moves, our regular reader had send me a comparison of BIBLE story with TURMP. Many CHRITIANS are seeing TRUMP as a KING CYRUS of PERSIA as depicted in BIBLE.

Just read this. Here it goes…………..

Trump won the election will be the first president to swear at 70 years, 7 months and 7 days of his life. He will be the first pro-Israel president to rule during the fifth decade (50 years) of the taking of the Temple Mount and the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. He would be the first president to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the annexation of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

TEMPLE MOUNT is a hill located in the Old City of Jerusalem, is one of the most important religious sites in the world. It has been venerated as a holy site for thousands of years by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. ISRAEL took over it in 1967. It completes 50 years now. So,

5 decades of the conquest of Mount
7 Decades of Trump's Life
7 months since last birthday
7 days
5777 current Hebrew year. (This is a current year as per HEBREW CALANDER).

If you reduce 5777 number to a single digit – it comes to number 8. 8 is for SHANI. SHANI will transit in SAGITARIUS for about 30 months from January 14, 2017. ALL RIGHTEOUS people will be rewarded or they will get justice. So, role of TRUMP is very important.

Trump would be the # 45 president.

Isaiah 45 (commentary on BIBLE)  = Jehovah (GOD) calls the king Cyrus the anointed one.

King Cyrus of Persia authorizes Ezra and Nehemiah to rebuild the WALLS and CITIES in Jerusalem. King Cyrus allows the Israelites to build the second temple. King Cyrus saved the people of God from dying at the hands of Haman after hearing the request of Queen Esther.


The three pillars of Trump's political platform will be :

1. Build a WALL
2. Rehabilitate the CITIES

What did we said?

We said PLUTO will make USA to go through the Regeneration/ Transformation and Rebirth. If you compare with the above 3 pillars given in BIBLE – it tallies 100% with out call also.


There are various theories in the market about CRONY capitalism by Mr.Modi. There are various dissent notes and conspiracy theory against this move.

People like KEJRIWAL claims that MODI helped his friends and fellow party members to convert their money first and now they are announcing this.

Some are saying this is to REFINANCE the BANKING SYSTEM without infusing money – such step is taken. Ideally the money should have been recovered from the NPA money of big industrialist. There may be more reasons also.

I was going through the Revelations 13 to 17 in BIBLE. There was a system to put a MARK on the FOREHEAD of the people. Without the MARK – you can’t buy and sell anything in those days. Just see the current system in the world.

If you see various countries – they are planning to implant MIRCO CHIPS to monitor the public movements. NBC, a US NEWS agency, says by 2017, Americans would have microchips. Australia has also started as per the same news agency. In India – we have ADHAAR CARD and PAN CARD!!

From the time we are into this business – we are telling you that the guy who has 5 lakh crores is move powerful than the guy who just has Rs.5 lakhs. This powerful guy can only WIN if you LOSE or remain in his CONTROL.

The way we are running to get Rs.4000 to Rs.10000 is our PROBLEM and BLAMING anybody will not solve it.

You need to go into that BIG GAME to BEAT THEM. By taking fancy degrees and earning a million dollar salary – you can’t beat them. You need to be like them to beat them.

INVESTMENT is the only avenue, which can help you reach to that status. Look at RAKESH in India and BUFFETT in USA. Both had a HUMBLE beginning and they are in the TOP league as on today in their respective countries.

What NEXT?

Market is DOWN – start investing for a long term. If you want to make money daily – learn trading and you will not depend on your jobs for meeting your home expenses.

See the changes coming in the world. Change yourself along with the changes or else you will live a life of FEAR, the way most guys are passing through now. 

If you need guidance for issue in your life based on ASTROLOGY, please contact us.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 / www.hiteshmparikh.com

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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