Fine Art of Destiny Management – Mr.Narendra Modi Style

November 28, 16

Fine Art of Destiny Management – Mr.Narendra Modi Style

Greetings from Hitesh! Our last post - BLACK – WHITE and GREY of DEMONETISATION was appreciated as an objective view on Mr.Narendra Modi’s decision to demonetize Rs.500 and Rs.1000 notes. Reading our firm’s name – Destiny Management – many guys have asked us to explain – How exactly you help in managing our destiny? So, let us take a LIVE CASE STUDTY and understand.

What Mr.Modi has done since he became PM of India?

He worked on the BLUE PRINT of Taking India to the NEXT LEVEL or bringing ACCHE DIN (in his language). Once the BLUE PRINT was ready – he started implementing without worrying about the SUCCESS and FAILURE of his steps. The current decision to DEMONETISE has been the BOLDEST so far and he is not ready to change his stand on the same.

He has put his LIFE / his NAME / his FAME he has earned as a CM of GUJARAT in last 15 years at
STAKE while taking this decision. STAKES are really very high for him. If he succeeds – he will be known as the HERO in the HISTORY of India’s development and if he FAILS – he will be compared with HITLER
(The most opposition parties are calling him even NOW) who took steps to fulfill his personal ambitions?

How Mr.Narendra Modi is SHAPPING India’s and His Destiny?

He is doing something, which is very commonsense, or I should say very simple. He has a PURPOSE to change India. He has a PLAN to change India and he has GUTS to implement his PLANS without worrying about what OTHERS would say / whether he will get success or failure. He is PUTTING ALL WHAT HE HAS at STAKE to implement it. He is READY to PAY any COST to implement his plans, even with his LIFE.

How Does this COMPARE with NORMAL Guys?

They too have a purpose and plan to better their life. But when it comes to implement them – they have questions – What will society say? Whether I will be successful or not? What will be the COST? Will I cover the COST or not? If at all I fail – can I save my life or my stakes from the venture or not?

The WHOLE FOCUS of NORMAL GUY is Linking DOING with a GUARANTEE of SUCCESS. If somebody gives him a guarantee – he is more than willing to do anything!!  The second biggest FOCUS is on SAVING his life or HIS MONEY before doing anything, in case he FAILS.

What are the FACTS?

Look at RATAN TATA – he took tough decisions to remove old powerful hands from TATA SONS after the DEATH of J R D TATA when he took over.

He FACED lot of issues in implementing his NANO CAR project in WEST BANGAL. So, he changed the location to GUJARAT, without worrying about the cost.

He RETIRED and handed over the BATON to MR.CYRUS MISTRY. But when he found he is not doing proper management – he again took a DECISION to TAKE CONTROL of TATA GROUP. He is facing lot of CRITICISM for the same. But he is also putting all what he has at stake for the betterment of the group.

Study his life. He succeeded in the first / failed in the second and third decisions. But he simply MADE NEW DECISIONS to implement his PLAN and PASSION. NOBODY GAVE HIM THE GAURANTEE or HE DID NOT WAIT FOR ANY GUARANTEE.

So, the FACT is – there is no GAURANTEE of you seeing tomorrow morning. Why to worry for guarantee of success before doing anything?


Your DESTINY is shaped by your DECISIONS. Whether you like it or not – there is no GUARNTEE that all your decisions will go as INTENDED.

Today, we all respect GANDHI JEE but we all see him a FAILURE in selecting the RIGHT PM for India. When you take many decisions – some will go wrong or some will backfire or some will wipe out all your good decisions taken in the past. This happens and this is UNAVOIDABLE. So, keep on making NEW DECISIONS, if last one fails.


Normal guys want two things – GAURANTEED SUCCESS and NO COST or MINIMUM Cost. Unfortunately, in life and in market these two do not go together.

Market deals with FUTURE. It discounts FUTURE events in PRESENTS!! Those who can see that and ACT before that events took place – makes tons of money.

I have been consistently going 100% correct in predicting market trends / shares prices and commodity prices well in advance of them happening. Looking at my TRACK RECORD many approaches me for my services. But when it comes to paying the FEES – their USUAL MENTAL calculations of costs starts and they miss the opportunities time and again.

What NEXT?

We have already given our BIG call of market making a NEW HIGH in coming 4 months.

If you don’t take a CHANCE by investing now, you will not stand a CHANCE to make big money tomorrow. JUST DECIDE NOW to INVEST. This is DESTINY MANAGEMENT. DESTINY SAYS – MARKET WILL GO UP. If you take the decision to invest – you will benefit from the same!! If not, you will remain an ONLOOKER and thinking – I should have listened to HITESH PARIKH!!

If you want to make BIG MONEY – take decision like Mr.Narendra Modi and just stand for it. Destiny will shower you SUCUCESS without FAIL. I am sharing from my personal and 100s of my follower’s examples.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 /

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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