How will be the MARKET between the years 2017 to year 2019?

April 14, 16

How will be the MARKET between the years 2017 to year 2019?

Greeting from Hitesh! It has been Destiny Management’s usual practice to see the coming period well in ADVANCE and act accordingly. This will also help you to plan your finances well in advance. We make 3 years predication as we can plan our investments with reasonable surety of RETURNS.

Let us see our past FAMOUS PREDICATIONS before we deal with this one.

On September 14, 2011 – I wrote my most BOLD call about market – Why I Maintain Sensex will go up to 35000?” I have categorically said that I see market will double from the level on 17th Nov.,2011 by the end of Nov.,2014. My tgt was 35000. Sensex moved from 17500 levels to 28000. But our stocks moved up 2 to 5 times during these times. Those who followed us made tons of money.

On 4 November 2014 – I wrote another post for the period of Nov.,2014 to January 2017. I had already predicated war like situations way back in MARCH 2014. There were lot of DOOM Sayers about MARKET and many had predicated 2016 will be 2008. They all have gone wrong so far.

Our call was 100% opposite. We had categorically said while writing about the conclusion – “What is the broad conclusion? Market will remain positive and it will make new highs in the coming years.” Just see - Nifty made 9000 in May 2015!! While experts are going wrong – we are going 100% correct time after time.

Both the posts are available on our BLOG. If you want to read them you can read and confirm NOW.

Have you MISSED our CALLS?

In spite of our superlative predications, timely calls and 100% personalized services – many have missed the golden opportunities of their life in last 5 years. Many are still waiting!! Many are still thinking!!

There can be MANY RESAONS for not following me or missing such opportunities. I don’t know about your particular REASON. In fact, I am not interested also.

My broad conclusion is that most of the GUYS – however, successful they may be in there own fields – lacks the clear-cut purpose for investments. When they lack the purpose – they lack the commitment to invest and stay invested. When Commitment is not there - they keep on DABBLING little here and little there. This way they waste both - the Golden Opportunities and their hard earned money.

This is not ENOUGH. Irony happens when they talk about GAURNTEED return. Now, you have No Purpose / No Commitment/ No Skill Set / No Patience for investments and you are asking for GAURANTEE just because you are investing PEANUTS from your total WEALTH into the market?

Now look at the same guy from other ANGLE – he spends millions of rupees on Marriages without any guarantee for LASTING RELATIONSHIPS. Divorce rate is going up like anything. He spends tons of money on his kids and his educations – without any guarantee of whether he or she will study seriously / get good jobs after study or take care of him in his old age. You will find many such examples if you just look around or look within.

These kind of DOBULE STANDARDS / SHALLOWNESS may be workable in other fields, but in the filed of investments they are WEALTH DESTRUCTIVE!! Because in investments there is no OPPONENT – you are the OPPONENT. So, all your hidden motive/cheating is with you and you only.

Just remember - Market does not know you. Market does not care for you or your money. However BIG you are – you are NOBODY for MARKET. So, be HONEST with your PURPOSE.

If your reasons for missing our calls in last 5 years are any of the above – it is a time you should look within and decide what exactly you want from your life and your investments. Faster you decide, better for you and your family’s growth.

Now, let us deal with our call for 2017 to 2019.

We are about to come out with our detailed call for the above period. We will guide you for the market / for the asset classes / for the sectors. If you want to make is personalized – we can also guide you for your coming 3 years period based on your HOROSCOPE.

Once you combine the THREE – your clear cut purpose + our Vision for the coming period + your personal period, you will have 3 aces in your hand and probabilities for your win will be more than your loses.

These services are 100% free to all our YEARLY and THREE YEARLY members. If you want FREE – you can also join and take advantage of our most value added services FREE of COST.

If you don’t want to become our member but want to know about our calls for 2017-2019 – please write to us and we will come back to you.

Today is PUSHY NAKSHTRA and it will last till 3pm on FRIDAY – the most important for WEALTH CREATION. It is said that actions taken on PUSHYA NAKSHTRA gives long lasting results.

If you want long lasting money making opportunities – Join us NOW. 

By the way Gold Could Explode Higher as Precious Metals Become Shariah Compliant.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 /

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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