“I am really FRUSTRATED with my investment experiences in last 25 years. Can you help me?”

Sunday, April 17, 16

“I am really FRUSTRATED with my investment experiences in last 25 years. Can you help me?”

Greetings from Hitesh! Our message with the TIM COOK has gone very well with the readers. They have appreciated our concept to work with the HUNGER rather than the DIET. This is the major problem with the NORMAL guys. Rather than working with the HUNGER and INCREASING The DIGESTIVE POWER they work on ENO/DIGENE/ DIET FOODS or some such quick fixes.

Reading our POSTS – I have received above-mentioned question from our NEW reader. He was in this market for about 30 years. The BSE SENSEX moved up from 500 levels to 30000 levels and he was not able to amass a good wealth. Now, when he looks back he feels frustrated. Let me deal with his question.


He says “I am really FRUSTRATED”.  Have you seen really FRUSTRATED guys? I will introduce you to two of them.

1st kind of FRUSTRATION:-

You can see it in the father of our NATION – GANDHIJI. He was really frustrated with the ENGLISH Ruling / GULAAMI and other issues of his time. He surrendered 40 years of his life to get INDEPENDECE for our country. This is an example when FRUSTRATION became a FUEL to fight the situations of his time. When FRUSTRATION becomes the fuel to change the situations – it becomes the VISHAAD YOG of GITA, despondency leading to the ultimate JOY. Naturally, the writer is not having such a high QUALITY FRUSTRATION. He would have taken steps to change his situations. But he has not taken.

2nd kind of FRUSTRATION:-

Pick up any newspaper and you will find another kind of FRUSTRATED people – they simply commit suicide out of their frustration. That is their way of dealing with their FRUSTRATION. Since the writer is still alive and writing to me – it seems he does not have the second kind of FRUSTRATION also.

What is the REAL ISSUE with our FRIEND?

I have been dealing with investors for the last 25 years and I have found some trends in their behavior. I will just list them before we go ahead.

1.   They come to the market when market is in TEJI. (In reality they should come when market is DOWN)
2.   They have nothing to do with investments or long-term investments – all they want is quick returns.
3.   Like food, our mind also has digestive capacities for MONEY. Beyond certain amount you will not be able to handle the happiness of MONEY. You will find out the ways to WASTE it / lose it or SPLURGE it on Unnecessary things or so-called STATUS or LUXURY things.
4.   When such a GUY with MONEY INDIGESTION comes to the market – all he wants is to satisfy his EGO. He wants to GO RIGHT all the times. He is in look out of SURE SHOT investment ideas. When he losses – his EGO gets HURT and he feels TEMPORARY frustration. It lasts up to next TEJI or next call from his BROKER or NEXT sure shot TIP.
5.  Another factor for their frustration is IGNORANCE. They are successful in their AREA and they assume that investments are RIGHT hand’s play for them. What they forget is – to get the success in their field – they have studied for 15-25 years / they have done the practice of 20 plus years and due to that they are enjoying the success in their field. But they are not ready to learn the BASICS of investments. They are not ready to spend just 3 years under proper guidance. They are not ready to take PROFESSIONAL HELP also. Deep down this is also an EGO function – “I know all. I am already successful. Don’t try to teach me.”

What is my ADVISE to our FRIEND?

I don’t know you and details of your FRUSTRATING experiences. Thanks to GOOGLE SEARCH – you have reached to me. May be DESTINY is indicating that it is a high time you should learn the fine art of investments. I have about 500 educating post on my blogs and my track record for your learning and testimonials.

Try to read them and if you like our way of LEARNING with EARNING – I suggest you join me today and be with me for 3 years. I assure you – your FRUSTRATION will become JOY forever. You will bless me for life.

Make your CHOICE.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 / www.hiteshmparikh.com

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.

P.S:- If you happen to visit some senior citizens and if you ask them – HOW ARE YOU? – they may reply – “Just waiting for GOD to take us to him”. Don’t think that they are done with their life and they want to die. All they are saying you that things are not moving as per their EXPECATATIONS. Same EGO HURT like our friend above!!


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