Has TIM COOK Forgotten That COPY / PASTE is not Possible in APPLE Devices?

April 15, 16

Has TIM COOK Forgotten That COPY / PASTE is not Possible in APPLE Devices?

Greetings from Hitesh! Our posts on GOLD and calls for market 2017-2019 have become super hit. I have received 89 new requests for my report on 2017-2019 so far. We have replied to them also. If you also want to know about the market in 2017-2019 – either you join us or send us the request for the same. Now, let me deal with TIM COOK.

I have been forwarded the below given link for APPLE CAR. Just click and you will find that it lacks the innovative touch of its master visualizer – STEVE JOBS.

One of my client has following opinion on the APPLE TEAM:-

“The so called "Apple Car"

To be honest, I feel bad. Like hurt(almost crying hurt) because I expected something GREAT from Apple. Just look at the design, both interior and exterior!

I think Apple has come to an end. Not matter how good your team is, as you said, innovation is a talent. And these people clearly have a doing mindset unlike Steve Jobs who was completely dwelled into building an innovative product!

Just imagine, so many years of passionate love Steve Jobs gave to Apple and won people's hearts through brilliant products, and now these a faggot, wants to innovate, using method 1,2,3. It doesn't happen like that dumb idiot. Why are they even alive. Just go die. Just DIE.”

Now let me DEAL with COPY / PASTE :-

Most guys not using the apple products in India have one arguments that it is difficult to do copy / paste in APPLE products. You need to use iTUNES every time you want to copy something into it. That’s why many guys prefer ANDROID.

Coming to TIM COOK and all his recent launches in mobile / laptops / I-pads and now upcoming CAR – you do not find something innovative in any of them. Apple has grown because of innovations and now TIM COOK is just stretching the innovations done by his founder.

Same MISTAKES Are done in the FIELD of RELIGIONS:-

Like STEVE JOBS in TECHNOLOGY, we have seen some of the GREAT PERSONALITIES in the realm of RELIGIONS and SPIRITUALISM. They had the TRUE HUNGER for TRUTH and they found out their own TRUTH.

Like TIM COOK, normal guys have started carrying out the outer RITUALS of such personalities in the name of Religions.

How Does This Affect Investment Performance?

Most NOMAL investors follow all the rituals of SMART investors – like studying the company/studying the market/reading all possible news for their company and things like that. Still they complain that they are not getting the results what SMART investors are getting.

The main reason is that they are lacking the Fire of SMART investors in them. Fire gives them the PURPOSE and they become successful against all odds in the market.

FIRE and PURPOSE are your own and you can only decide about them. Nobody can manipulate you on both of them for a long period of time.

What NEXT?

Eating without HUNGER and DRINKING without THIRST both 
are dangerous. Rather than changing your diet, work on increasing your HUNGER.

If you have not tasted the success in INVESTMENT so far, I suggest be with us for 3 years and see the MAGIC in your life. 

Just JOIN us before it is too late.

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Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.



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