How GOOGLE MAP Can Help You In Finding the RIGHT PATH in THIS MARKET?
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You In Finding the RIGHT PATH in THIS MARKET?
from Hitesh! Market is down by 800 points today. What next? Will it go to 17500
first or will it go to 27000 first? What is our view on the market? What should
I do? What will happen to market NOW? These are some of the questions – I am
getting from my clients and also from my regular readers.
me deal with all of them. But before that let me share with you an important
example from GOOGLE MAP.
YOU A WAY in current MARKET:-
am sure you would have used the GOOGLE MAP services sometime or the other. In
fact, today’s young generations are using it like anything.
is the simplest application. You put your current location and your destination
location. It will start giving you distance by road/ by rail / by air. If by
road – it will give you the direction step by step. It will also show you the
various other ROAD options to reach to your destination.
if you ask GOOGLE – where does this RAOD lead? It will FAIL. It can’t help you
with the directions. It will show you just the MAP.
you ever looked at the MAP? You just go on looking at it with various ways
going towards various directions and you will end up wasting times without
knowing your destination location.
How This Can Help You
in Current Market?
of the above questions are asked when you don’t know your destination. These
questions come because - You don’t know what you want to do? / You don’t know
what you want from the market? / You don’t know why you are investing? / You
don’t know why you should be investing? Or Should you be investing at all?
you have not asked above questions to yourself – because deep down you know
that you have NO ANSWERS for them. You are investing to earn some money or
because your friends are doing or because it is the only thing you can do with
your SPARE money.
other words, you do not have CLARITY of MIND and CLARITY of PURPOSE. Due to
that you are not ready to adapt to the CHANGES in the market situations. During NORMAL time - You know only one style
of investing – BUY / HOLD and SELL when market goes up. In the current scenario
you have to do the reverse – SELL / WAIT and BUY.
don’t need ROCKET Science to make money. But since you are NOT CLEAR – you are
not ready to ADAPT to the market situations. Your inability to adapt to the
market situations leads to Inner FRUSTRATION / DESPERATION and overall painful
situations for NORMAL guys.
What Kind of Questions
you should ASK everyday?
If you are a day
How can I make money in today’s market
conditions or given market conditions of the day?
If you are a
Positional Trader:-
How can I meet this month’s target in the given market condition?
If you are a LONG TERM
How can I add more and more shares to my portfolio at less and less price?
you ask these questions – you will not think about SENSEX LEVELS. You will
think about your own GOALS/ Your own progress and your own HAPPINESS.
Is our Market Volatile
are made to believe that whatever happens in India is due to CHINA / JAPAN /
EUROPE / USA / Middle East. As if they keep the REMOTE there and they press the
button there and things changes here.
I read the EXPERTS giving these kinds of theories – I really PITY them. Either
they don’t want to tell you the TRUTH or they don’t know the TRUTH. In both the
case – you are taken for a RIDE – because you love FREE ADVISE.
How many of you have
SEEN the movie GHAYAL about 26 years back?
main actor comes to the city for his father’s treatment and ends up fighting
with the established GUNDA RAJ in the City.
FINISHES them all in the end but pays a heavy price in terms of his family /
his wife’s life. He is left alone. The established forces take out the real
charm out of his life.
thing is happening with MR. NARENDRA MODI. He was good in his hometown GUJARAT.
People used to love him lot. But he decides to go to DELHI. He reaches there
with all the sufferings and paying heavy prices. He finishes the established
forces single handedly but they have the MONEY and TONS of money. Look at all
the events in last 18 months – you will find some logic in my understanding.
times your weak opponent or your enemy will attack you when you are at fight
with somebody else. When all are beating you – he will come and he will also
given you two / three slaps.
way established forces might be using WROLD scenario to create the PANIC in
What about the SHARES
you are holding NOW?
years back my client bought a duplex in South Mumbai by paying a huge price. He
decorated it with the best of the things and he is living a life king size.
a current market scenario – flat next to him was sold for 20% less than what he
paid for.
tell me how does this affect his living? He has the same house / same area /
same furniture and same ambience. His level of enjoyment has nothing to do with
the price of the FLAT.
goes for your shares also. You were having 1000 shares of XYZ Ltd. You had the
same voting rights /you are getting the same % of Dividend / you ownership is
the same. Your company is working in perfect conditions. Nothing has changed.
You are just panicking because the price has come down!!
you have paid for the above shares – you need not worry at all. In fact, you
can add more as it has become more attractive with the price coming down. But
the problem comes when you have bought these shares in Futures or you have
bought with LOAN money. We never recommend our clients to buy their investment
shares in FUTURES or with LOAN MONEY. We love investment shares to be paid for
from the DAY one and it should be in DELIVERY ONLY.
What Next?
do soul searching by asking the above questions. It will show you the way to
deal with EVERY market conditions.
week only we had told you that Mr.Narendra Modi’s stars are changing for
better. You will experience the same in coming 6 months. Just relax.
at Gold /Silver prices. Look at 7000 put prices. We have made tons of money in
just 10 days. If you really want to make tons of money – just be with us and do
what we say.
a Great Time in MARKET.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or
on WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 or
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
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