Greetings from Hitesh! I am happy with your responses to my last post on “What Kind of Investor you are - Irrational / Rational or Trans Rational?”. Two very courageous and honest guys have written to me that they realize that they are IRRATIONAL when it comes to stock market investments after reading our post!!

This kind of SELF REALISATION is the key to your GROWTH. All our efforts are targeted to make you better investor. We don’t want any money from you for the same. It’s my giving back to SOCIETY in my own way. If you feel it can help you – please read all our post regularly and learn from the same.

Now let me deal with my GOLD / SILVER STRAGTEGY:-

Let me give you some background.

We are buying GOLD since 2006 only. Our first transaction was for Rs.86000 for 100 grams. We stopped buying in June 2012. After a gap of 3 years we started buying again in March 2015. We told you also in our post of 15th March 2015 - “Praise Lord – We are Proved 100% Correct in Gold AGAIN, Should You Buy Now?” (you can read on our blog)

We had categorically told you that go on adding GOLD regularly in our 15th March 2015 post. On 5th December 2015 in our post-titled “Our VIEW on GOLD NOW?” we reminded you.

On 18th January – We asked our subscribers to add SILVER around 34000-35000. We added around 34000 per kg.

Both have sky rocketed since then.

What was the EXPERT’s View?

Without understanding the ground realities they all were telling you – “if USD goes up – GOLD and SILVER will come down!!”  Just see USD has moved up like anything – but GOLD and SILVER has also moved up!!

All your EXPERTS who were telling you above are proved 100% WRONG.

Another beautiful things they do when they give you calls – is to add IFS and BUTS to their CALLS. This is to safeguard that they are proved RIGHT – whichever way market goes!! This ensures that they remain in the business!!

You can’t INVEST your CRORES of rupees on this kind of SHALLOW advises. That’s why NORMAL investors invest in 25 to 50 companies in a portfolio of Rs.5 lakhs!!

It seems, they must be VERY LUCKY, in spite of their below average track record, most NORMAL INVESTORS still want follow them.

This serves following purposes.

1.  You remain NORMAL for life.
2.  You keep on listening to them and they remain in their business.
3.  Your broker earns lot of money in brokerages as you keep on buying and selling everyday based on EXPERT’s call.
4.  RICH gets richer and poor gets poorer.

What do we suggest to our clients?

If you want to become RICH – you have to do what they do.

1.  They do detail study of any investment idea from all possible perspective at any given point of time before they decides to buy.

2.  They find out the RISK of RUIN in that IDEA, in case they go wrong. (They don’t mind going wrong!!)

3.  They start investing before MARKET talks about that IDEA. (Just see we have been adding GOLD since MARCH 2015. Our clients were ahead of the MARKET by 10 months!!) This is the most important point as they avoid any competition from any other market participants.

4. Vision is very important part of Successful Forecasting. You can learn N number of Forecasting tools/methods, but VISION is a TALENT. You can’t learn it. It is either you have it or you don’t have it.  All your calls will be AVERAGE without support of VISION. Any method will be a great METHOD if talent of VISION backs it up. (RICH guys have a team of in house talented people to guide them in their ventures).

5. Once the IDEA clicks – they keep on HOLDING/ADDING to the winning idea. They have lot of PATIENCE with the market and they do not get carried away with a bad patch of few months or years. It’s like DRIVING from A to B. You know the distance. They know the destinations and they also know that some of the ROAD will not be so smooth. So, they are okay with the TIME, if it escalates, as long as they are on the RIGHT PATH and they are assured of reaching their destination someday!!

At Destiny Management, we teach all these steps to all our clients in a period of 3 years. We have been doing the same things with our GOLD/SILVER investing and we do the same for our stock investing.

It looks so simple when you read above strategy. In practice, you will need a MENTOR/COACH/GUIDE to support you at every TURNING of the ROAD.

If you like our TRACK RECORD / TRANPERANCY in dealing with you and penchant for sharing TRUTH – you can appoint us as your INVESTMENT COACH.

Wish you all a VERY WEDNESDAY.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 or www.hiteshmparikh.com

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.



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