Sunday, February 7, 16


Greetings from Hitesh! Almost 25 months are over since we wrote about Mr.Narendra Modi in our BLOG. Way back in 2013 we had given two bold calls in our two posts – Effectiveness of Mr.Narendra Modi As A PM & Our Investment Strategy.Posted on November 28, 2013  / Will Mr.Narendra Modi Be The Next Prime Minister? What His Stars Foretells?
Posted on December 27, 2013.

Both of our calls have come 100% correct. Not only this – by expecting the outcome correctly – we have minted tons of money in last two years. Those who followed us also benefitted and made tons of money. Many are still waiting for the RIGHT time to JOIN us!!

What is our call NOW?

Let us look at his horoscope. We have prepared with the details we have.  

Mr.Narendra Modi was fighting a lone battle against an established opponent for 60 years. He uprooted him but the opponent had all the money accumulated for last so many years. They made Mr.Narendra Modi’s life very difficult in MEDIA/MARKET/PARLIAMENT/BY CORNERING FOOD PRODCUTS and all other possible ways. They are still doing the same and they will do their best to stop Mr.Narendra Modi from taking India forward!!

SHANI SADE SATI and RAHU in 12th house made Mr.Narendra Modi suffer this failure in last 18 months. However, he played his card very well thanks to other combinations in his HOROSCOPE. He focused OUTSIDE India and made great headways with international community. Today we are seeing FDI in India has touched USD 68 billion!!
(This is called DESTINY MANAGEMENT. We tell our clients – where to focus when expected things are not working in thier favor)

Going forward – he will have the support of 11th and 10th RAHU for 3 years in dealing with DIFFICULT and DESTURCTIVE forces in INDIA and its NEIGHBOURHOOD. Mr.Narendra Modi will make good the losses he suffered in last 18 months and re-establish himself as a HERO in the eyes of NORMAL INDIAN. Starts indicate that he will fulfill his promise of ACCHE DIN in coming 3 years!!

We see Mr.Narendra Modi taking major policy initiatives in second half of 2016 to boost SUPPLY side in the country. He will have his fair share of challenges but stars indicate that he will put India back on the Path of HIGH GROWTH.

There are chances that he may face Physical damage /Life Threatening efforts during coming 6 months. But I am sure he will be able to deal with them thanks to Positive Stars.

What about India?

Way back in August - 2012 – we had written our most bold call about India. We had categorically said that starting from 68th year of independence to 86th year of Independence – India’s destiny would change for better and we have seen Mr.Narendra Modi coming to POWER exact in 68th year!! We have also seen that all other countries are losing their power in recent times and India is gaining everyday.

We are BULLISH on India. Time and again we have told our NRI friends to invest in India. We reiterate our call.

What about Markets?

Since 5th Dec.,2008, we have been bullish on India. Our first major year was 2012 / 2014. Both the years made good money for our clients and us.

Looking at the current market scenario – we are more bullish on India and we love Indian Equities like never before. If you have missed teji of 2012 and 2014 – this is the time to pick up your stocks at your own PRICE!! Do not miss.

Our markets were not in good shape in recent past – due to problem with our leader. He will regain his old charm in some time and our market will go only one way – that is UP / UP and UP. Just buy good quality stocks and sleep.

Many skeptics – following so-called expert’s FREE ADVICE – did not believe us in 2009/2011/2012/2013. They missed the golden opportunities of their life.

What NEXT?

You can still SIT on THE FENCE like previous 7 years and watch smart people minting tons of money or you can join the GAME and change your DESTINY forever.

Many clients are joining for 3 years at a very special price. I suggest you also do the same.

Wish you all a VERY HAPPY WEEKEND.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 or

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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