Why MEDICAL Professionals are blamed and DONATIONS are appreciated?
Professionals are blamed and DONATIONS are appreciated?
from Hitesh! Most email responses to my last post have been appreciating our
view of Non Debating on things you are not going to ACT on or not going to make
any difference in your life style. Today I am taking very important issue as
mentioned above.
Blaming Medical
you go to meet somebody who is in HOSPITAL or who has come out of HOSPITAL –
chances are very BRIGHT that he would BALME Doctors/Hospital for high charges.
90% of the time he is happy with the services / expertise of the Doctors but at
the end he would say – they are charging like anything.
What is the ROOT cause
of this behavior?
have seen the same guys happily paying Rs.25000 to Rs.2 lakh for servicing
their ROLEX watch. They know that they have paid Rs.7 lakhs to Rs.2 Crs for
ROLEX and it makes sense to service the same regularly. But the same guy when
he pays to the DOCTORS for repairing or servicing his BODY – he would complain
about the charges.
to me the root cause is that we have got this BODY free of cost. Our body is an
AUTO REPARING MACHINE 99% of the time. When it can’t repair on its own or when
you have outside injuries – you have to approach the DOCTORS.
you are paying to repair something WHICH IS 100% FREE, it hurts.
What happens when this
guy goes to TEMPLE?
of the time he would not THANK GOD for this beautiful and amazing body. He
would complain GOD for JOB/FAMILY/BUSINESS/HOSPITAL EXPENSES and many other
many times you feel GRATITUDE towards the GOD when you get up in the morning?
Ask HONESTLY to yourself.
Why Donations are
at the life before Industrial Revolution. It was not possible to feed or give
quality life to the ever-growing populations with MANUAL LABOUR.
MOST RELIGIONS of the world – they were preaching about DONATIONS/BENEFITS of
DONATIONS (getting SWARG and things like that)/ APRIGRAHA (non storing of the
things over and above your basic needs).
was mandatory as Income distribution was SKEWED in those times also. So,
through RELIGIOUS practice people were made to DONATE.
way you get TAX BREAKS NOW for DONATIONS – in OLDEN TIMES they used to PROMISE
SWARG/APSARAS and all kind of good things when you DIE (for donations you have
done on the EARTH).
What is the ROOT cause
of SUCCESS of DONATIONS / Social Services and activities related to that?
see most NGO’s heads are publishing their PHOTO’s in MEDIA or on Social Net
Working sites while they are DONATING or helping somebody.
appeals to your EGO here and now. It gives you a feeling that you are the
DESTINY MAKER for somebody. It gives you PRAISE from the SOCIAL CIRCLES and
approval of RELIGIOUS PRACTICES. So, there is lot of inner attraction towards
it funny that GOD gave you total body with out any PHOTO or KNOWLEDGE to you.
These guys give ARTIFICIAL LEGS – they take the photo and the guy whom it is
given also knows about the same!! They are MORE THAN GOD).
Another untold aspect of DOANTION is that you are donating very
little from what you have. So, it doesn’t hurt you also!!
What is the connection
way you have not been able to feel deep gratitude towards GOD for FREE BODY, do
you really believe that the guys whom you GIVE DONATIONS will feel GRATITUDE
towards you?
you say YES – you are cheating yourself.
AMBANI said?
was the gutsy fellow when he rejected DONATION plea by some social
institutions. It is really a GUT to say “NO” when you are already a Billionaire.
said I have employed 27000 peoples. I am already running 27000 families!! I
don’t believe in DONATIONS.
What is the POINT for
look at the DOUBLE STANDARDS in above case. Most successful people have single
standards. If you have these kinds of double standards with in you (many may
not be aware also), you may find it difficult to succeed in market. Remember –
market is nothing but your MIRROR image. You can’t cheat MARKET!! If you think
you can, you are CHEATING yourself.
What NEXT?
point in this post is to be aware more and more about you / your thoughts and
your hidden agendas.
life will be more SMOOTH and HAPPY, if you can deal with them SINGLE MINDEDLY.
a Happy Investing.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or
on WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 or www.hiteshmparikh.com
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
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