Money Making Secrets of RICHEST of the RICH – Understand their game and – Make Tons of money.

September 26, 15

Money Making Secrets of RICHEST of the RICH – Understand their game and  – Make Tons of money.

Greetings from Hitesh! Many have appreciated our last two posts – on Sacrifice and our Performance in last month. Many guys have written to us to share the TRICK to make money, which they can apply on their own. I am just sharing the same with you.

Let us understand some basic TRUTHS:-

On 19th June post titled – “928 Households Controls 20% of Financial Wealth & it is growing at CAGR of 26%!!” – we had written about top families. Just read that.

1. 90% of the World’s wealth is with 10% of the Guys.

2. 10% of the World’s wealth is with 90% of the Guys.

This ratio has been steady since long. There can be maximum difference of 5% on the % side. i.e. it can be 15% of the population having 85% and 85% of the people having 15%.  However, larger picture remains the same.

The Problems of TOP guys in making Money:-

They already have 85% to 90% of the wealth. If they try their BEST – they can add at the most 10% to 15% in wealth i.e. remaining wealth.

Now, if they do this – they will have nobody to Buy their products / services, nobody to work for them (As they do not want to spend their wealth). Their life will be HELL.

Basically they have three sources to make money.

1.      Take other RICH Guys money – like Reliance beating VEDANTA, TATA beating Birla, APPLE beating Samsung!!
2.      Find out NEW Natural Resources or New inventions and create new wealth from them.
3.      Add some money from 90% of the population’s share of 15% wealth. Lending money through bank is part of this game. They lend you money and make you buy their products.

In the first part they make tons of money if they go right and they make this money at the fastest rate.  Apple’s growth in last 10 years is due to the first and second part.

In the second part – it depends on many factors and success ratio here is not so sure shot. It’s a risk they are taking.

The above two are not for NORMAL GUY like us. But their strategy in 3rd part is worth understanding.

To fulfill their strategy in 3rd part - they tell you following things.

1.     They tell you your RESIDENCE is your biggest ASSET. They give you 15-30 years loan to you.

2.     They share you the benefits of SMALL Savings in BANKS – payment banks is one such initiative. You deposit money and they take loan from the BANK and fly away like Kingfisher.

3.     They ask you to invest in POST / PPF / TAX FREE BONDS and things like that.

4.     They ask you to invest in Mutual Funds / Debt Funds and SIPs and things like that.

5.     They tell you about the MANDI and TEJI in the Market.

6.     All these are done in most sophisticated way and you will find it difficult to disagree with their LOGIC!! Most MBAs talk their language!!

7.     They also arrange the LOLIPOP of TAX benefits to comply you with their STRATEGY.

After making you do the above – they do the 100% opposite of what you are doing.

1.   They make sure shot money from interest on your home loans for 15 to 30 years and more.

2.   They use your BANK savings and make tons of money by investing in their business or MARKET!!

3.   Same goes for your small savings in other areas. They are being used for the benefits of the select few. Of course they do it 100% legally. Majority of the work is done through 100% legal means only!! It may happen that they change the interpretation of the LAW or add some sub clauses to the main law. But it is 100% legal!!

The recent EXAMPLES:-

Look at the AMTEK / Kingfisher issues in details. Look at the NIFTY movements in past two months and the expert’s calls before that. At 7700 Nifty last month, they talked about 7100 and Nifty crossed 8000!! Leading company talking about fall in property prices after property prices had fallen by 50%!! Now the same company talking about 10000 Nifty by Dec end (If property market is going to collapse as per their call – how come money will come in Share market?)

Do not fall in their TRAP by following their PEFECT MARKET THEORY / SAMLL SAVINGS BENEFITS / LOLIPOP of SIP and Mutual Funds / TAX SAVINGS Schemes and other things.

Government is RE-FINACING the BANKS NOW – after so many NPA’s by leading corporates!! Technically your money is already gone from your banks to their pockets and now Government is financing the loss of banks – WHY? USA has done QE1 / 2 and 3. Now I am expecting QE4 – just wait and see. I have already predicated about it in APRIL.

One of the leading Mutual funds was recently questioned for its investments in BONDS of a particular company!!

All this is done with your SMALL SAVINGS!!

How to benefit from this?

I am not here to complain and crib about their strategy. I am here to make money and I want to make tons of money by beating them in their games – 100% legally!!

The easiest way is to do the 100% opposite of what they tell you in MEDIA. If 9 out of 10 guys talk about the MANDI – just do the TEJI and vice versa.

Knowing these - Why 90% of the guys dance to the tunes of 10%?

Whatever I have shared is not some secret, which I only know. All the normal guys know this deep down. They also want to come out of this TRAP and go to the TOP. All they want is some sure shot guidance, education and execution of the same. Many are not getting it and those who are getting it are not ready to pay the PRICE to their consultants.


I am talking, teaching, following and practicing the language of the richest of the rich. I do not advise or do what normal experts advise you to do. I am doing 100% reverse in this area also.

If you listen to me – chances are bright that some day you will reach to the TOP. But I am 100% sure that by listening to NORMAL experts, you will always remain in 90% of the LOT. You may win the RATE RACE and become number one RAT. Are you ready to become number one RAT?

If you want to come out of the RATE RACE – I am there to help you. My intelligence is supported by my TRHUTHFULLNESS / TRANSPERACY and TRACK RECORD. There is no HIDDEN AGENDA when you deal with us.

Do not believe me just experience me by taking a TRIAL of 3 months. Once you have your own experience – I need not convince you. So, take a trial for 3 months.

What Next?

If you really want to make sure shot money in OCTOBER – just join us NOW. Those who joined in September and followed our strategy – they made 3-4 times of our 3 months fees in just 10 days!!

Time is running fast. Hurry up. Write to me.

Wish you all a VERY HAPPY WEEKEND.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh and join me on WhatsApp on +91 986 942 5399.

Live With Passion…. Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh



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