India and Its ERA of Silent Prime Ministers – NEHRU to NARENDRA MODI

September 8, 2015

India and Its ERA of Silent Prime Ministers – NEHRU to NARENDRA MODI  

Greetings from Hitesh! Thanks a ton for reading my last post on Market Fall. Most have liked the same. A friend had liked so much that he forwarded to 1200 guys last night only. I am really thankful to him for spreading our messages. I was going though the development of the India since 1947 and I came across some similarities when it comes to PM of India. All were silent except Indira Gandhi. NEHRU and NARENDRA MODI – were the poster boys of their time. They had the 100% support – still when they became PM – they became SILENT. How come?

Let me share just two examples:-

NEHRU had promised GANDHIJI to stop COW Killing when he became PM. If you go by HISTORY – Parliament agreed for the same but NEHRU had reportedly said – if you pass this resolution – I WILL RESIGN. He did not allow it to PASS the resolution. The Parliament had no GUTS to pass the resolution and take the NEHRU’s resignation!!

There is controversy in NETAJI’s death. NEHRU did not open up the correct secret to the people of India.

Narendra Modi is also doing the same. For the above TWO issues – the current Govt is also not ready to CHANGE the attitude. They are not ready to share the secret – though they know it.

Look at the KASHIMIR issues. We are not attacking the Pakistan and solving the issue once and for all.

There are two ways to see the total issue.

Let us give them a BENEFIT OF DOUBT:-

You can’t change the channel of TV without your wife’s permission in your home – so how come a PM can take drastic steps without full support of vested interest parties? So, they remain SILENT!!


On 26th January 2012 – I had written my ground study of India titled – India of My Study. In the same I have given two important reading of India’s Vastu.

We have Bay of Bengal in South East and THAR deserts in North West.  South East stands for GUTS / EGO.  North West stands for Intelligence. We as Indian lack GUTS and we are brain washed for imported educations system and their management ideas. In fact, we are using their language for communications.

In the past 20 years – I would have studied more than 2000 Vastus in various parts of India. I have studied the old palaces / govt houses / politician’s houses – you name it and I have the map in my mind.

My findings are simple – most houses in India have the issues in North West and South East!!

When South East is disturbed you lack the GUTS – when you do not have GUTS – you will never be HONEST!! When North West is disturbed – you will work with somebody’s brain!! We are master in REVERSE ENGINEERING / BACK STABING. Look at so many BABA or MAA scandals in last 68 years. You have no intelligence / no guts so you go to BABA for CHAMTKAR!!   

What it means for SMALL INVESTORS?

Unless you accept the TRUTH – you will not be able to change your life. Nobody is sitting there for you in DELHI or in your TOWN. Everybody is in their own RACE.

Your first and foremost goal should be your own financial independence. Unless you have enough money to support you and your family – you will have to adjust to somebody’s whims and fancy. There are some normal guys – who waste their time for NEW or BETTER JOB or NEW or BETTER POSITION. Remember – you are still a SLAVE!!


It comes only by investing or doing business. You know deep in your heart that you have missed GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY of making money from 2008 to 2015. However, you had told yourself ( I know) next time Market Falls – I will invest. I am just reminding your promise to yourself. Listen to your heart and start taking small steps towards your financial freedom today. All may not be able to do the business but all can always do investments.

If you want to learn how to invest – you can approach us.  It’s FREE to all our clients.

How Many of you would be READY to GO To HOTEL V/s. HOSPITALS, given a choice?

99.99% will be ready to go to HOTEL, am I right? Nobody is ready to go to HOSPITAL – (however five star it is). But when you get illness – many times you are forced to go. You go there so that you can regain your HEALTH. Am I right? You do not believe in HOSTPITAL / given a choice you are not ready to go to HOSPITAL but still when you are SICK – you agree to go there.

Same way – whether you like it or not/ whether you believe it or not – most guys go to ASTROLOGERS AND VASTU EXPERTS when they are in SOUP. It is good. But the BEST thing is to get your VASTU corrected when you have no problems. I suggest you go for VASTU ANALYSIS and Correction of your house NOW. We do it FREE for all our clients. It’s value added services provided 100% free to all our clients.

Just look within – if you lack guts and if you have to rely on somebody’s opinion for taking decisions in your life – you are having issues in your south east and northwest of your house. Just correct the same. It’s in your and your family’s interests.

What Next?

In November 2013 before MODI became PM – we had said – MODI will not do miracles. Just see – there is no CHANGE. If you want to bring change in your life – you have to take some steps. Take it now or waste your life blaming the PM / country / luck / market, etc etc.

Wish you all a happy investing.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh and join me on WhatsApp on +91 986 942 5399.

Live With Passion…. Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh


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