You must Love Poetry, if you want to Make Tons of Money in Stocks

August 18, 15

You must Love Poetry, if you want to Make Tons of Money in Stocks

Greetings from Hitesh! Thanks for your appreciation for our thought-provoking article on Independence Day. Many have expressed their agreement with our view. Thanks for the same. I come across many success and failure stories in Investment on regular basis. I have observed that those who love poetry are showing better investment performance than those who do not love poetry. Let me deal with this.

How Normal Investor Sees Performance?

Normal educated investors will ask why to invest in ABC ltd and not in XYZ Ltd.? He will ask for expected returns in short term and long term? Looking at the better returns – he will choose the option ABC or XYZ. Sounds logical.

Now the problem starts – suppose he chooses any options and expected returns is 24% in a year and 100% in 3 years – this guy will expect the company price to move up 2% in linear progression each month!! He will expect his company price will be exact 24% up after one year and 100% up after 3 years.

They use syllogism – if A is equal to B and B is equal to C then A must be equal to C!! If company is going to give me 100% return in 3 years, it must move up 2% each month and 24% every year!!

If this does not happen – this guy will feel frustrated / he will curse his luck/ he will curse his advisor / he will curse the market so and so forth!!

What happens when you RECITE Poetry?

If you have every recited or read the poetry – you will agree with me on following. You will not come to know the meaning of the poetry in first two or three lines. You may find they are absurd and non-logical / not related to each other!! You may find that the poet is making tall claims in the beginning. However, when you finish the Poetry – you will understand little. If you keep on reciting at least for 8 times  – study shows 8 times in a row – suddenly you will SEE the meaning and purpose behind the poetry!!  I am using the WORD – “SEE” and not understand!!

You will SEE the logic / the feelings / the path etc., etc., which you were not able to do while reading first few lines. 

You take a QUANTUM LEAP in GRASPING the POETRY – when you recite the same 8 times!!  In fact, you can talk as if you are the POET of that Poetry!!

How does this apply to SHARE MARKET?

Market has its own mood. So, a company with positive development may not move and company with negative development moves up faster. The person with logical brain will get trapped in this. But to a surprise of a logical brain – a positive performance company will suddenly re-rated and it will touch new highs!! Many times this kind of company moves up by 100% to 500% in a small band of time. The logical brain will get confused and will say – They are manipulating MARKET and stay away or remain on the FENCE!!

When we were talking about 35000 SENSEX way back in 2009, people were acting like a SKEPTIC. They use the LOGIC – Hitesh Parikh is not visible on Blue Channels / no web-site / no high sounding communications like experts / not so logical like other experts. So, let us not follow him.

They followed so-called experts / Media Guys. To their surprise they are now telling them about 35000 Sensex and 100000 Sensex!!

They missed the biggest money making opportunity of their life!!

I am not an expert in traditions sense!! I am a POET. I understand the RYTHEM of market. I know how to sing a song in a RYTHEM. I do not need to understand the wording of it or meaning of it. I just have to keep on maintaining the RYTHEM!! As long as I maintain RYTHEM – I will stay connected to the MARKET (POETRY). The day I lose RYTEHM – in spite of understanding the meaning – I will be an odd man out singing!!

How STEVE JOBS used to look at this?

He explained this concept by using this word – connecting the dots!! You can connect the dots only and only when you look BACK. You can’t connect dots while looking in FUTURE!!

What Next?

We always say follow us for minimum 3 years and see the magic. After 3 years only you will be able to connect the dots. Just maintain the RYTHEM with us on daily basis/monthly basis and yearly basis. Rewards will follow. May be better than your expectations.

If you love immediate results or immediate proofs – I suggest you try our 3 months TRIAL. Do write to me.

Wish you all a very PASSIONATE TUESDAY.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh and join me on WhatsApp on +91 986 942 5399.

Live With Passion…. Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh


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