“I am extremely confused – whether to invest in Shares / Mutual Funds / Bank FDs / Postal Schemes / Land or Gold? Please help me.” – must read Independent Day Gift.
August 15, 15
“I am extremely confused – whether to invest in Shares /
Mutual Funds / Bank FDs / Postal Schemes / Land or Gold? Please help me.” –
must read Independent Day Gift.
Independent Day
Greetings to all of you dear reader. May GOD gives STRENGTH to Mr.Modi to
fulfill his promise to bring ACCHE DIN for all of us in real sense in 69th
year of Independence. Till he brings – you do your trial and error. As such you
are doing it. I keep on receiving questions from my readers and this one is one
of them. I think this question might be bothering to most – so let me deal with
the same in details.
“I am extremely confused”
I am happy that you
are confused. Very few people are confused in this world. Majority of the
people are very sure. They have picked
up some beliefs / readymade answers from their ancestors about - what is good /
what is BAD / What should be done / How it should be done / whether to follow
GOD or not?/ which GOD to follow? / Which religion to follow? / where to
invest? Which Girl to marry? etc., etc.
Confusion is BLESSING.
Confusion means your mind is not able to decide which is the best course of
action for you. Confusion comes because your mind is looking for sure shot
answers / surety / guarantee / assurance / best way. In this way, Surety and
Confusion are the two sides of the same coin.
To deal with your
confusion – you go to some GURU / some knowledgeable person to get the SHORT
CUT. Many times they give you solutions and you cling to that. Since, this is
readymade answer and you have not searched for it - your inner confusion / doubt
will still remain.
E.g. Most guys when
they come to me they talk about long term investment and when MKT goes down by
500 points or their share goes down by 10% to 25% – they are the first one to
call me – what to do? My answer is simple – you are getting your chosen stock
25% down – you are long-term investor – so ADD. Very few have GUTS to do this
and that’s why very few investors are successful.
Let me share another
example - Most Indian’s say – ATMA AMAR HEY – SOUL IS IMMORTAL. Now this is not
his search. He is copying. So, this knowledge does not give him mental peace at
the time of his death!!
How to deal with Confusion?
Confusion and Surety
are the traits of MIND. Just drop the mind and you will drop both of them. When
mind is dropped you get the CLARITY. Clarity is not SURETY!! Clarity says you
have to experiment / you have to try / you have to dare / you have to be ready
for any kind of results. Clarity says – unless you experiment – there is no way
to find the real answers.
Person of clarity will
have no surety for his results. He is exploring. He is experimenting. He is
ready for positive or negative outcome. In this way he will have no FEAR of
Failure and no GREED of Success. The main thing is to TRY.
As long as you are
TRYING – you are living. If you have seen Movie PIKU – Big B was trying to find
out medicine for his constipation. The day he got the answer – he was dead. So,
if you are not trying and relying on readymade answers – you are living without
What Next?
Today we are celebrating
69th Independence Day of INDIA. TRUE independence means able to
explore and experiment your own ways, finding your own answers. As long as you
rely on readymade answers – you are not TRULY independent!! DECIDE TO BE
If you want to take
first step towards financial independence – just try our membership for 3
months and see.
Wish you all a very Happy INDEPENDECE DAY.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh and join me on
WhatsApp on +91 986 942 5399.
Live With Passion….
Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh
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