How Much Money You Made on Our 100% Free Jackpot Call?

August 22, 15

How Much Money You Made on Our 100% Free Jackpot Call?

Greetings from Hitesh! Thanks for your words of appreciations for an educative article on Payment Banks. Needless to say, it has become the most read in just two days. Most have agreed that compared to the investments – the business potential is not apparently visible. I think we will have to wait before we get the hidden answers of the same.

A Big Sorry From My side:-

We are in the process of installing automated delivery system for our WhatsApp messages. During trial run it was sent around 1.30am IST in stead of 7.30am IST. Many friends’ sleep was disturbed due to that. Please forgive our mistake. It was not intentional. I assure you this will not be repeated in FUTURE.

Now let me deal with our 100% free JACKPOT call given to you all on 29th July 2015:-

In our post titled “Our Call For Market In August 2015” we had categorically told you about two things.

Activities related to MARS will bring Blood shedding and Market being negative. Just see the events in whole AUGUST so far – we have had Terrorist or Pakistani ATTACKs each day of the month. In fact, PAKISTAN also witnessed Terrorist attack in side their country.

The Free JACKPOT call was Market remaining Negative in August. We also gave a hint that we have bought 8500 PUT. How many of you bought 8500 PUT of Nifty/ Sold Nifty / Sold Reliance? Just to give you perspective Nifty made a high of 8647 on 10th August and low of 8222 on 21st August. 8500 Put moved up from Rs.61 to Rs.280 during the Period and Reliance Came down from Rs.1060 to Rs.897!!!

How Much Money You Could Have Made?

If you had sold Nifty just 100 unites – you would have made Rs.40000. This is 25% return in just ten days on the MARGIN you block with your Broker.

If you had bought PUT 100 unites – you would have invested Rs.6500 and your money would have grown up 300% in a MONTH to Rs.28000!!

If you had sold Reliance 100 shares – you would have made Rs.15000!! More than 12% in a month!!

If you read our ARTICLE – we always communicate CATEGORICALLY. We don’t give you conditional calls. Still I am sure 99.99% of you would not have taken any action based on that. Do you know why? Mr. Jesse Livermore has the Answer of your behavior.

What Jesse Livermore Used to SAY?

“But the average man doesn’t wish to be told that it is a bull or bear market. What he desires is to be told specifically which particular stock to buy or sell. He wants to get something for nothing. He does not wish to work. He doesn’t even wish to have to think.”

He told this about 100 years BACK. Just see how perfect he was in reading your MIND!!

Knowing this secret of Human Mind – we educate all our clients and also tell them specifically what to do during TRIAL period with us. If he desires to be told specifically after TRIAL period also – we continue to support them individually.

What Next?

Since March - 2015, we asked you to BUY GOLD and see it is flying.

We were the first one to tell you in MAY that CHINA is buying GOLD like anything – when experts were talking about FIIs going to CHINA!! Recent MEDIA report says – CHINA bought 19 tonns of GOLD last month!!

Look at all my article from 2008 till today. I have been giving you all a FREE calls about Market / GOLD / SHARES and many other areas with 100% accuracy and way ahead of the MARKET EXPERTS.

I know what you might be thinking – if next time Hitesh Parikh’s gives hint – we will surely TRY!! Let me tell you good news - Tomorrow Never Comes. So, you need to take a CALL today.

I suggest you decide TODAY to join our TRIAL. Just remember – by not joining us – you are missing lot of risk free and honest money making opportunities. 

Wish you all a VERY HAPPY WEEKEND.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh and join me on WhatsApp on +91 986 942 5399.

Live With Passion…. Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh


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