Marc Faber and The Economist are also singing our songs

10 March 2015

Marc Faber and The Economist are also singing our songs

Greetings from Hitesh! Started as a small blog in a small office , VCCircle was bought by News Corp – says today’s headlines. Same thing is for our blog – Started with a mission to educate the normal investor, is establishing a track record of beating all the experts in the field of investments. Let me give you some of the example.

Marc Faber:- In a recent interview to MINT – Marc Faber has said “I think that Indian growth will be among the strongest in the world, along with may be Vietnam and Cambodia”.

The Economist:- In recent issue (March 7th – 13th 2015) The Economist talks about rising risk of nuclear conflict in the World.
They both are right. But let us look at our track record

On 20th June 2014 - What Will You Do, if IRAQ situation turns into 3rd World War?  In the same, we wrote our bold call on world war 3. Many were skeptical about our call/ many were laughing at us / many were jealous at our skill to give calls where major experts are failing!! We had said - If you read this, you will be 10yrs ahead from your friends.(read the latest issue of The Economist and you will bless me for guiding you way ahead)

On August 1, 2014 -  Top Financial Experts Says – World War 3 is coming Soon….We told you in June – 2014.

Our call on India’s Growth:- For India – we had said way back in August – 2012 that from 68th years of independence to 86th years of independence, India will become super power. We had Mr.Modi on India’s 68th Brithday and now Mr.Kejriwal has joined. Just see right kinds of people are coming in to the main post. So, we do not have a doubt of India’s growth. But we have a doubt for your growth – because you follow the MEDIA!! Start following Hitesh Parikh.

What is the point I am driving at?

Dhirubhai used to say – Idea is no one’s Monopoly. Just because you don’t see Hitesh Parikh on Media or we do not believe in advertising does not mean that we can’t be ahead of the experts in understanding and predicting the market events.

In fact, if you read our blog or if you are reading our emails regularly – you will find that we are way ahead of the other guys in predicting the market with utmost accuracy.

How to take advantage of the same?

You can read our blog free of cost. In fact, if you want to add your name in our regular emails list – you can send your request and we will add your name. You can also send link of our blog to your friends and relatives and make difference in their life and investments.

If you find it difficult to practice what we preach – you can join us for our active support system at a small fee. If you be with us for just 3 years and do what we tell you to do – I assure you – you and your generations will never have to worry for money in life time.

What next?

We praise lord for giving us the right intelligence ahead of the market and its events. It is giving us the edge to act with confidence in this uncertain market. If you also want to invest with confidence – do contact us.

If you really love making tons of money – do approach us.

Have a Great Tuesday.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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