We are Proved 100% Correct in GOLD. Did you see Gold Price? What Next?

27 March 2015

We are Proved 100% Correct in GOLD. Did you see Gold Price? What Next?

Greetings from Hitesh! I appreciate your mails and words of appreciations. Today I am going to talk about your favourite GOLD again.

Our Track Record of Going 100% Correct Continues:-

Since 2006, we are predicting about GOLD and it has gone 100% correct. We praise lord for His blessings on us. This time also – at USD 1150, we had given a bold call to buy GOLD. It made 1221 USD yesterday!! In India, it moved up from 26000 in MCX to 27000 in MCX. Physical gold prices also moved up by Rs.1000 – Rs.1200.  If you just spend 5 minutes of your time in reading our ARTICLE – you can make tons of money FREE OF COST!!

This time also EXPERTS were talking about GOLD prices going further down!! Thank God, I am not an expert – just an investor Like You.

What about Our Other CALLS?

Our call of WAR like situations is also going 100% correct. We were the first to tell you way back in June 2014!! Nobody was talking about it when we told you!! Did you see YEMEN yesterday?

Nifty has come down from 9000 to 8350, but all our stocks are going strong in this market. Our stock picking skill is helping our clients to make money in this market also!! We will not give names as it is a part of our paid services.

THREE Important FACTORS for successful Investment:-

Investment or any business or any situations in life requires you to be AHEAD of the Competitors, be it fellow investors or fellow businessmen.

To be ahead of the MASSES you need to have a VISION of the events that will unfold in Future. Thanks to GOD, we are blessed with that and we are telling you well ahead of the market experts.

Second factor is Intelligence. If you understand the Market – you will see that it moves in CYCLE of ups and down!! If you use your intelligence – you will buy when market is low and sell when market is up. You do not need to be a ROCKET SCIENTIST for that.

Third and Most important FACTOR is GUTS. If you have VISION and INTELLIGENCE but no GUTS – even GOD will not be able to help you. Many times I heard people telling me – “I should have listened to you”. They missed the bus because they LACK the GUTS.

Limitations of Our Role as your Consultant:-

We can share Vision with you. We can tell you the correct time to buy the stocks/gold (part of intelligence). But to ACT or Not to ACT is your Choice!!

To join our services by paying our fees is a part of your GUTS and we can’t GIFT the same to you. Same way - to buy 1 share or 1 lakh shares is also a part of your Guts.

What Next?

If you are our regular reader – I need not convince you about our Vision and Intelligence. Our Blog is the Best Testimonial of the same. But if you still not have taken advantage of our services – then you have issues with your GUTS. Please work on that. NEW FINANCIAL YEAR will start in 5 days. If you can muster your GUTS to join us, I welcome you to the family of Destiny Management. Do write to me fast.

My Promise to you:- Just follow me for 3 years only and you will never have to worry for Money in your life time. If you aspire to become Multi-millionaire – just be with us for 5-7 years.

Have a Great Day.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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