The Right Question You Must Ask Before You Invest

09 March 2015

The Right Question You Must Ask Before You Invest

Greetings from Hitesh! Hope you all would have enjoyed HOLI and the mini vacation last week. Wish you all a belated happy Holi. Over the years, I have been dealing with Individual investors/ Corporate Investors/ Group of investors and New investors. I have been listening to them and their questions. Very few had asked me the right questions when they met me for the first time. Today I am going to deal with the right question you must ASK before you invest a single rupee.

Questions ASKED by Buddha:-

You all know famous story of Buddha. He was passing by the road and he saw a people carrying a dead body. He asked his driver - why they are taking him like this? Driver said – He is DEAD. Since he was kept away from DEATH – next question Buddha asked was – what is death? Driver said – we all grow up from CHILD to YOUTH to OLD AGE and one day we leave this world forever. That is DEATH. After listening to this – next question he asked – WILL I ALSO DIE?

Driver replied – Please forgive me - but you will also die some day.

This question changed Buddha’s life and he found out the way to become Immortal. His life and teachings are there to guide us even today.

Normally – when we come across a death of our known guy – we ask – how old was he? Was he ill? If young man dies – we worry for his children and wife. We ask how much insurance he had taken? In short we ask all other questions – except the main – WILL I ALSO DIE?    

Steve Job was asking this question daily – If today is the last day of my life – will I do what I am doing now. This question not only changed his life but he changed the life of all people on the EARTH.

In future, if you come across a death of somebody- do ask – WILL I ALSO DIE? If you really ask this question with all your heart – I assure you – your life will be different the next moment. I am writing this from my personal experience.

Now let me deal with the Investment Question:-

Most guys ask – How is market? How much I can make in a year? Where will we invest? What are the fundamental or technical of particular company? Which company will move fast from the given list of A / B or C?

When you ask any of the above questions or questions related to above – you are giving a chance to other guy (your broker/ adviser/media analyst), to manipulate the answer based on his need. It is like asking a BARBER – do I need a haircut?

These questions are coming out of fear and with fear you can’t be successful in any area. You need to ask the real question.

What Question we ask to our Clients in our first meeting?

When our client tells us that he is planning to invest and X amount - we ask one simple question – What will happen if we lose your X amount in share market?

In last 25 years of my experience, I have observed that– those clients who take the pain to find out the answer of above question– are the most successful ones and they have made tons of money with us. In fact, they have stayed with me in best of TEJI and worst of MANDI.

What Next?

Happiness in life and Success in investments largely depends on the way you are prepared for the ultimate setbacks like DEATH and LOSSES. If you are prepared for them – You will be happy and successful in all the situations. Do not believe my words – just do it yourself and share your experiences with me.

If you really love making tons of money – do approach us.

Have a Great Week Ahead.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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