Our Prediction on Mr.Modi has come TRUE – 100% this time also!!

20 November 2014

Our Prediction on Mr.Modi has come TRUE – 100% this time also!!

Greetings from Hitesh! If you are our regular reader than by this time you would have seen our neck in understanding the ground realities of market as well as effects of movements of Celestial bodies. In a way, we are touching Zameen to Aasmaan for you my dear reader.

Let me deal with my predication on Mr.Modi – on 8th of November we had written – “Mr.Narendra Modi Will Get Major Challenges or Achievements After 16th Nov.,2014 bestofhiteshparikh.blogspot.com/?spref=tw

On 19th November – they launched KVP and it has become talk of the town. There are two kinds of view from various quarters – for and against. Mostly it is against. Let me deal with my view on the same.

Starting Swiss Bank in India:-

Government has kept Rs.35000 Crore collection target for KVP in 2015 -2016!! Without PAN and NAME on it – it is a GOD Send Opportunity for Black Money holders to buy and keep it.

1.  They used to SAFE keep CASH and earn nothing. Now their cash will earn 8.5% return and government will do the SAFE Keeping!!

2.  In Swiss Bank you have to pay the handling FEE, in India you will get 8.5%. Not BAD!! Thanks to Mr.Modi.

3.  In Swiss Bank you have to take the currency risk – KVP is in Indian rupee, so no currency risk. Thanks to Mr.Modi.

4.  It is as good as currency – so you can use to PAY for your black money transactions!! How simple the life is?

5.  It has a period of 8 years and 4 months (100 months). Above 8 years....so, no Income Tax Guy can catch you for your past records!! They spotted a scam in Private Insurance Companies some time back, now GOVT is officially doing!!

Mr.Modi has promised – SABKA SATH, SABKA VIKAS – he is taking care of CASH holders in this way!! They all must be Happy. Who says Mr.Modi does not keep Promise?

What is a Better Way?

It is an open secret that our Nationalised Banks are fund starved and they need money to meet CAR requirements and lending to new project.

The ideal way according to me is to allow all black money to be deposited – without questions asked and guarantee for immunity from Income TAX LAWS for life time – to keep this money in 5 years Bank Fixed Deposits.

1.  This way banks would have got the long term fund to lend.

2.  You know the person keeping money in the bank and tax his interest income regularly.

3.  You need not maintain and run separate system like Postal System, so, no additional expenses.

4.  Bank also provides around 8.5% to 9%, so technically there is no difference between return on KVP and BANK FD.

Do you remember Abdul Karim Telgi?

This guy became famous for printing fake stamp paper and made the scam worth Rs.30000 Crores as per various estimates!!

If some genius uses TELGI methods and start printing KVP what will happen to the system???

What Next?

All our calls and predictions are going 100% correct. Our readers and followers are always ahead of the market experts!! Bless us for the same. You can forward our articles in your circle and make a difference in their life.

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Hitesh Parikh


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